The Date

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Barry POV

Cait and I were going on our first date. Again. Even after everything we've been through it still felt like our first one in high school. Although, like last time, we weren't awkward or shy, we were comfortable and normal. The only thing that's changed is that now we have Josh and Melanie in our lives. 

"Did you ever think this is where we would've ended up when we broke up?" Cait asked me.

"I hoped it would be, but I was never sure which way it was gonna go."

"You hoped?"

"Yeah. I could never get over you, even after Iris begged me to try going out with other girls."

"Well, then I'm really glad you didn't. From the bottom of my heart, even when I was with Ronnie, a part of me hoped that you and I would be together again. Although, I wish that Ronnie didn't have to die for that to happen."

"I'm sorry that happened."

"Yeah. Well let's not fret on the past and look towards the future."

"Future huh." I teased.

"We always had an idea that we would have one together."

"That's true. Movie or continue talking?"

"Well we already talk so much and we haven't seen a movie in a really long time."

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith still your favourite movie?"

"How'd you figure?"

"You were so obsessed with that movie when we were in high school. Could never figure out why, but had to take a guess."

"Well, you guessed correctly."

"I'm just glad that you stuck to comedy and action as your favourite then going to all those typical romance movies like most girls."

"Well action and comedy is more entertaining then watching so many people falling for someone that either doesn't notice them until they meet a friend of theirs. Or their childhood best friends turn into a romantic relationship because that's what they think every childhood friends should turn into." Cait mocks and I laugh.

"You still have that out towards those people don't you?"

"YES! Cause that's all we would ever hear in school. From everyone and that's the typical norm for most people. "

"That is one of the reasons I fell for you."


"Yeah. You stood out from everyone else. The first moment I saw you in science class, you were grabbing your supplies before everyone even showed up in the class. Then we got partnered for that assignment and had to look at samples through the microscope. Then we did something from cheesy movies and our fingertips grazed, then we chuckled. Afterwards, we started hanging out more often and I finally got the courage to ask you out and you surprisingly said yes."

"Oh my god. You remember exactly what happened the day we met? And of course I said yes, why wouldn't I?"

"Yeah. I remember all of our memorable moments. At the time, I didn't think you would cause I was the geeky kid that couldn't even talk to girls."

"You talked to me didn't you? I think you did pretty well if you got a high school girlfriend, a kid with her, and back with her in the future. Isn't that pretty good?"

"Yeah. I never realized how much of a person you made me, I was never a nervous wreck like I was around other people. I was comfortable with you and when we continued going out you made me a better person."

"Aww that's so sweet. I was always better with you too. I think that's one of the reasons why we always worked out so well."


We both got lost in talking about our thoughts, we never realized the time, until there was a knock at the door. Cait got up.

"Hey! You guys have fun?" She asked giving the kids hugs as they walked in the door.

"We got ice cream and talked and played games. It was so much fun. Can we hangout with Joe more often?" Josh explained. We all looked at each other.

"Well he is technically your grandfather so you can see him anytime you want." After I said that both kids' faces lit up with joy. We could tell they both really enjoyed their time together.

"I'm gonna go put them to bed, I'll just be right back." Cait explained. 

"So, how'd it go with you too?" Joe asked after they left the room.

"We talked. We meant to put on a movie, but got lost in our conversation we didn't even realize the time till you guys showed up."

"That's good for you guys. You think it's gonna work out this time?"

"Yeah. This time it will. We at least have our own lives and jobs that we don't need to rely on others except for the possibly babysitter at times."

"Good. Well, anytime you guys wanna talk just the two of you. I'll gladly take the kids off your hands."

"Thanks Joe. We appreciate it." Cait said walking back in the room.

"No problem. I guess I'll see you tomorrow and you back at home?" Joe asked me. Cait and I gave each other a look.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I'm gonna crash here for tonight." 

"Okay. Have a good night then."

"Thanks you too." 

"Good night Joe. Thanks again for taking the kids." Cait added.

"Anytime." Joe added leaving the apartment.

"Staying the night huh? That isn't first date material."

"Well, seeing as how before we started going out again we did this all the time. Also, our kid is here I didn't think you would mind, and I thought you wouldn't mind."

"I don't mind at all." Cait said smiling. "Not even a little bit." She leans in and kisses me.

"I like where this is going." Cait laughs. We kiss again and head to her room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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