Discovering The Truth

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Barry's POV

After finding out my family knew about me having a kid before I did, I was so livid that I decided to go talk to Joe about it. So I ran to the precinct finding Joe.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stated angrily keeping my voice quieter so no one could listen.

"What are you talking about Bar?"

"JOSH! How could you not tell me that he was mine?" At this point I was now yelling so people were now looking and I didn't care. I needed a response and I needed it now.

"Bar? You need to calm down. Why don't we go talk about this somewhere else. Privately?"

"I want an answer. How could you not tell me I had a kid?"

"We wanted you to get back to living your life before we told you."

"I had a right to know." After stating that I was so angry I stormed out before running off at my fastest speed. I ran to find Iris to find some answers from her as well.

I ran to Joe's house finding Iris sitting at the kitchen table on her laptop typing something. I slammed the door behind me to get her attention, which it did. It scared her so much she jumped out of her seat turning around.

"Barry? What's wrong?" She asked after noticing me.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you get to find out before I did?"

"She told you?" Her face sorrowed.

"Yeah. I just found out that a kid that I really enjoy being around is actually my own. Not only that but his mother kept it from me and she told my best friend and my foster dad. How do you think that makes me feel, Iris?" I was starting to yell. "I've been getting told lies from the minute I woke up and when Cait left. I don't know if I can talk or see you guys for a while."

"You're not gonna talk to me? To dad? What about Caitlin? Are you still gonna talk to her?"

"I'll only talk to her if it involves anything about Josh and that's it." I stated turning around to walk away.

"Barry are you really gonna be like this? We were just trying to protect you."

"I had a right to know. That was not protecting me, that was just selfish. Not even just for me, but for Josh too." And I left right after that statement. I didn't even know where to go so I just ran around the city to clear my mind. That didn't last too long of a run though...

Caitlin's POV

I can't believe I finally told him. I'm not surprised by his reaction, I just wish I had more of an explanation to him. But truth is I don't even have a good reason as to why I didn't tell him. I always regretted not telling him the truth, so I guess I did deserve his reaction. I just hope over time that we'll adjust towards us being  parents together and maybe even something more again, but after hiding this secret from him I doubt that now. But time will tell...

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