8 Years Later

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Caitlin's POV

I can't believe I am 25 years old now, I have a 7 year old son, Josh, and a 2 year old daughter, Melanie. I married Ronnie and I work at S.T.A.R. Labs with Ronnie, our best friend Cisco, and our boss Harrison Wells. I am a bio-engineer and Ronnie is a structural engineer. Everyone thinks that Ronnie and I have been together for almost eight years; they think Josh and Melanie are his kids. They're half right. Melanie is his daughter, but Josh is Barry's son, although he treats Josh like he's his own and Josh doesn't know the truth about his biological father. Which I will not be telling him in, well maybe ever. Boy was I ever wrong.

Barry's POV

I'm 25 years old, I'm a forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department, and it has been eight years since I last saw Caitlin. I am still single and I've only had one girlfriend after Caitlin and that only lasted about one month. Also pretty much the only girl I really hangout with is my best friend Iris West, who has been my best friend since elementary school. She knows all about my problems and keeps saying how I'm still pining over Caitlin, even when I tell her I'm not. Although, deep down in my heart I still think I might be, even when I tell myself not to be, because she moved away and we knew the long distance would kill us both and we'd probably suffer from the pain.

Then one day, since I'm a nerd, I decided to go to S.T.A.R. Labs to watch the Particle Accelerator, but later on that night it exploded and somehow I got struck by lightning that same night. I spent 9 months in a coma, after waking up I woke up in a place that DID NOT look like a hospital. I was apparently in S.T.A.R. Labs, oh and guess who I saw while I was there. Yep, Caitlin. And some dude.

Caitlin's POV

The particle accelerator was finished and it was going to show off to the public tonight. And that's when it happened. The particle accelerator exploded, killing many people including Ronnie, leaving my kids without a father, and a few months later my boss told a family that he could help this one man who was struck by lightning and was in a coma. I was telling myself "wow that man is lucky '', and that's when it happened, the man in the coma was brought into the cortex. Right then, was the moment when I found out that the man in the coma was none other than Barry Allen. The man I still thought about to this day. He spent a total of 9 months in the coma and today was the day that he finally woke up.

Barry's POV

I started to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy too, but I stuck to it. The first thing I saw was Caitlin and some dude. When I saw Caitlin, I thought maybe I died and this was my heaven but it turns out that she works at S.T.A.R. Labs. That's when it really hit me. If I was never struck by lightning and put into a coma for 9 months, then I could've seen Caitlin for the first time in eight years. But instead, I see her when I'm waking up from my coma, which is kinda nicer but then I found out it's because of where she works and her job.

"Hey" I said tiredly.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Caitlin asked me.




"Do you guys know each other or something?" Some guy named Cisco asked.

"We were in high school together." Caitlin explained.



"That's how you explain it?"

"Fine." She turns to face Cisco. "We dated for three years." Then turns back to me. "Happy?"

"Not really."

"Fine then."

"That wasn't necessarily aimed towards you."

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