Saving Barry

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Caitlin POV

I had all my medical supplies ready to prep Barry. Once he arrived, I set out all the warmed blankets on him to help reheat his body. Now all we could do was wait.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Joe asked me.

I looked at him with an uncertain glance with tears in my eyes. "It's gonna take some time. His body temperature needs to warm up a bit. He's badly hypothermic, his blood vessels are almost frozen solid and it's probably from his cells regenerating at the speed that they were. I don't know what would've made him this way. With his metabolism it would take... sub zero. But nothing like that, even exists."

"That's... Not exactly true." Cisco stretched.

"What did you do?" Joe and I both questioned.

"Well... before we knew that Barry was going to a hero and save everyone. I had to have a back up just in case he may have turned on us." 

"Cisco. What. Did. You do?" I slowly asked.

"I made a gun that shoots sub zero particles."

"Why would you do that?" Joe wondered.

"Because speed and cold are opposites. Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating. Faster they are, the hotter it is. When things are cold, they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement, it's called... " This belongs to CW, not taking any credit for this. Cisco explained.

"Absolute zero." I finished. "Why make this? I told you what kind of man he was, is. You know me. Do you seriously think I would've let someone dangerous into my life. Into my KIDS LIVES."

"I know. But he could've changed from the man you once knew. And plus this was before I knew him. You could've gone through a bad boy phrase in high school, how would I know I didn't know you then." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Okay, he made a mistake. We're human, we all do. So let's just calm down and take a minute." Joe stated.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids." I said walking away to the living room.

In the living room

"Hey how's it going with you two?"

"I'm okay. Mel fell asleep on the couch, so I've just been reading." Josh replies.

"Oh really what's you reading? And has she been down fairly long?"

"Maybe 20 minutes. This science book that I found on the table."

"Interesting. Okay, just remember don't let her sleep for too long then okay? Also... I'm gonna need you two to stay here just a little while longer okay?"

"Mom, what's going on? Is he going to be okay?"

"I'm not 100% sure but once I do, you will too."

"Promise? That you actually will? Not just a promise that you say you will but actually won't tell the truth cause you think you're trying to protect me."

"I promise I will do what I think is best and what I think it is that you need to know, you'll know."

"That's not fair! That's my dad and he just got into my life. Nothing can happen. How is that fair"

"I'm sorry. But I'm doing everything that I can for him." My heart was breaking at the thought of having this conversation with him. " Have you told him this before?"

"That he's my dad? I'm pretty sure he's well aware."

"No. Have you. Have you called him dad yet?"

Josh looked at me in confusion. My brain froze. Did I ask something he didn't want me to know?

"No. But if something happens to him I'll regret not doing it sooner."

"You are such a smart boy for only being 7 years old."

"I know. It's in my genes. From both my parents."

I looked at him so proudly, I couldn't help but hug him.

"Okay. I gotta go back and see how he's doing. When I know something, you will too." He nodded in agreement, so I took that as my cue to leave.

Back in the med room

Barry was warming up and his skin was back to it's regular colour. Almost being able to work on him and see any other issues he may have. 

"Has he moved at all?" 

"He started breathing and his colour came back." Joe stated.

"Okay. Can I just have the room please? I need to check a couple things out."

"Yeah. We can do that. Just let us know when it's alright for us to come back." Cisco said.

I nodded in thanks. 

He was finally breathing and he didn't need any help, his colour was back. I check for any injuries and the only thing I find is a massive blast in the middle of his chest. It was a frozen gash that was about 1.5 inches deep and 5 inches wide. It wasn't healing yet, probably because his body temperature wasn't back to normal temperature yet, once it did his wounds would probably heal after that.

Barry POV

It was dark and cold. I couldn't move at all, I felt frozen. I was slowly warming up and I could feel myself being able to feel parts of my body but not move until I was warmer. I fell back to sleep in hope time would faster and my body would warm up sooner.

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