chapter 20

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When they get to the room, come lay with me,i have to leave i have a class to teach kitten, tell nezu you cant make it,i cant do that,fine you may go ass wipe but before you go make me food,ok kitten. After got his food,thanks ass wipe,pls stop calling me that, no now bye ass,yeah bye love you,love you too. After school,I AM HOME,kitten? He runs up the stairs to the bedroom, oh he sleep, kitten wake up i need to tell you something,yes what is it,i have a mission,b-but you cant leave,kitten i will be back tomorrow morning ok i wont be gone that long, come back in one piece pls,will do. When he leaves deku starts to cry thinking that he wont make it. After he stops crying, he will come back he falls asleep,in the morning,he wakes up to aziawa laying next to him,baby your back!!!! He bebe how are you, good and you,tured go back to sleep,fine.

See you puppys in the next chapter and thank you @leviswifeey for the sport

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