their first date

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(Before this starts I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who is actually reading this. I never expected so many people to see this but thank you♡)

 I never expected so many people to see this but thank you♡)

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(Also, trigger warning. This contains mention of sexual assault )

Nagito handed mikan a bouquet of red roses.

"Ah! N..nagito!? What's this for?"

"Well..since this is our first date I thought I could get you something nice"

" didn't need to.."

"You're right, I didn't need to, but i wanted to" nagito smiles which made mikan smile as well

"So, should we go in?" Nagito points at the restaurant

"So, should we go in?" Nagito points at the restaurant

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(I found the perfect picture for this)

Mikan nodded and they both walked in. It was a nice place but nothing to fancy, they looked around as they found a table and sat down.

There were a lot of people there that day which caused mikan to get a little nervous. She quickly hid her face in the menu as she started to panic.

They're all staring at me...they probably think I'm ugly and disgusting...why won't they look away!? Leave me alone!-

Nagito tapped mikan on the shoulder "Are you alright?"

Mikan looked at nagito and quickly stood up "um..I..I need to use the bathroom!" She quickly went to the bathroom hoping she could calm down.
Nagito got a little worried but decided to just wait for her.

After a while of waiting he assumed mikan left him.

"Heh...of course she left..why would anyone want to go on a date with me?" Nagito was a little dissappointed because he really liked mikan but, there was nothing he could do now. Before he left he wanted to go use the bathroom.

When nagito got close to them he heard crying in the boys bathroom, He walked in and saw mikan on the ground. shivering and crying.

"M..mikan?" He quickly walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"I..I'm so sorry...!"

"Why are you sorry?.."

"I..I ruined your!.."

"You didn't ruin my've never ruined my day..."

Nagito looks at her and wipes her tears away. "Come on, let's go somewhere more comfortable"

Mikan nods and they both stand up. Nagito pays the bill and they both go to his house.

He invites her in and they both sit down on the couch. He put a blanket around her and looked at her.

"I want you to tell me what happened in the bathroom.."


"I know something happened so please...tell me"

Mikan looks away and nods

"W..when I went to the bathroom a couple of guys pushed me into the boys b..bathroom and tried to take off my clothes..." Mikan started to shiver and a tear formed in her eye.

"T..they said they want to make me feel good a..and wanted to do other gross things me..I kept telling them to stop b..but they wouldn't listen...they then heard people coming so they left..."

Nagito got really angry and even wanted to kill those guys. "Did you see their face..?"

" I didn't..."

Nagito felt so bad for her but felt angry at himself that he couldn't protect her. He put his arms around her tightly as she started to cry.

"I..I'm sorry..!"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"'s my fault they d..did that"

Nagito looked at her straight in the eyes and put his hands on her cheeks.

"This was not your fault, You did nothing wrong. It's Those idiots faults. So don't blame yourself for this alright?"


Nagito softly smiled and hugged her tightly. He then kissed her forehead and looked at her.

"I'll protect you from now on, I promise"

Mikan smiled and kissed him on the cheek which surprised him.

"T..thank you"

They decied to stay on the couch and watch movies until they got tired. Once they did they both went to nagitos room and laid down on the bed.

Before they fell asleep they looked each other in the eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss. It was nice and comforting, they both enjoyed it. Nagito then held mikan close to him as they slowly fell asleep

I'll never let anyone hurt you again...I'll stop them in any means necessary..

♡ komamiki Oneshots ♡ ( DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now