someone who actually listens

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Everytime nagito would try to talk to someone about hope, everyone would just ignore him or tell him to shut up

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Everytime nagito would try to talk to someone about hope, everyone would just ignore him or tell him to shut up. But he still tried

Hmm..I wonder who I should talk to today...

Right at that momment someone bumped in to him and made him fall over.

"Ah! I..I'm so sorry! P..Please forgive me!" Mikan's boobs were on top of nagitos face

"Ah, Mikan, I can't see"

"S..Sorry!" Mikan quickly got up and stuck out her hand to help him get up

Nagito looked up at her confused but grabbed her hand "thank you for helping me up mikan"

"N..No need to thank me! I..It was my fault t..that I made you fall..."

Nagito put his hand on her shoulder and smiled "don't worry mikan, with every fall you'll always find hope when you get up"

Mikan's eyes lit up but quickly faded " gets harder and harder to just get back up...and everytime I do I keep getting pushed back down..." tears started to form in her eyes

Nagito had never heard someone say that before, mostly because people don't usually tell him how they're feeling.

Nagito wiped mikan's tears away and looked at her with a smile " I'm sure one day you'll find the greatest hope you've ever seen. So don't give up okay?"

Mikan's eyes lit up and hugged nagito tightly "t..thank you nagito..."

"Huh? Why are you thanking me?" Nagito didn't know how to respond

"B..Because nobody has ever said s..something like that to me before..." Mikan started to cry

Nagito was surprised, Mikan was so nice and caring. How could people not say things like this to her.
He wrapped his arms around her and started rubbing her back, comforting her.

"Its okay mikan, you don't have to cry okay?" He wiped her tears away again and looked at her

Mikan nods and let's go of him "I..I'm sorry for crying o..on you..."

"Its okay, I don't mind"

Mikan looked up at him and blushed a bit "I..I should get going..I don't want to w..waste your time"

"You aren't wasting my time actually. I don't really have anyone to talk to so I'm glad I got to talk to you" nagito gave a warm smile

 I don't really have anyone to talk to so I'm glad I got to talk to you" nagito gave a warm smile

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"R..Really!? You're glad got to talk to me?!"

"Yeah, you're the first person to actually listen to what I have to say. That's why I'm really glad you bumped in to me"

Mikan blushed and hugged nagito " t..thank you for being nice to me!"

"You don't need to thank trash like me"

Mikan looked up at him " aren't trash...and I have to thank you! Y..You're the first person to ever be t..this nice to me"

"Really? I expected people to always be nice to you"

"No...they always yelled at me or bullied me..a..and the ones who didn't bully me would ignore my existence.." she started to cry again

As if on cue, hiyoko showed up

"Hey Look! It's pigbarf and crazy hope guy!" Hiyoko laughed as she passed them

Hearing that made mikan cry even more

"Its okay mikan, I'm sure she didn't mean it"

"Yes she does! S..She always yells at me!"

Nagito knew if he kept talking about it she wouldn't stop crying.

"I..I'm s..sorry for crying so m..much!"

Nagito just continued rubbing her head as he tightly hugged her "Its okay mikan, just let it out"

After a while of mikan crying, she finally stopped and let go of nagito "I..I'm sorry"

"Its okay, you don't need to keep apologizing"

"S..Sorry..I mean! Sorry! Ah!" Mikan covered her face in embarrassment

Hajime walked up to them a little worried

"Ah, hello hajime" nagito greeted him and mikan gave a small wave

"Byakuya wants all of us inside of the warehouse in 2 minutes. He seems really stricted about it so I suggest hurrying up"

They both nodded and waved goodbye as hajime walked away

"Come on, let's go" nagito stuck out his hand for her to grab

Mikan blushed and grabbed his hand. They both walked over to the warehouse and walked in.

"Uh..why are you two holding hands? Are you two dating already?!" Mahiru looked at them confused

" Huh? No, we're just friends" nagito then looked over at mikan "are we friends?"

"Y..You want to be my friend?.." Mikan blushed a bit

"I would love to be your friend" nagito smiled which made mikan smile as well

Everyone looked at them confused and a little disgusted but everyone just ignored them

(I just realized that if I continue this then it won't really make any sense. I'm just going to end this story here but if I do come up with something then the ending will change)

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