Meet Akira and Lucky

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He was left on the streets as soon as he was born. Someone took pity on him and brought him to an orphanage, but life was never going to be easy on him. He was attacked from the second he was born.

On a stormy night a little baby boy was born only to be left on a street. A woman who was walking home saw the baby and took him to a close by orphanage.

She thought nothing of it, the baby was no longer in the storm and was able to get a roof to stay under. She thought he will find someone who will take him. Yet, that was never in his books.

The people in the orphanage only thought about the money coming from the government. The kids weren't kept safe. It was get up clean and work, with meals only if you were good and did a good amount of work.

It was a roof, but there was no love.

At the age of 8:
He turned 8 and that's when he committed his first crime. He saw the vendor busy with a client and in the spilt of a second he found himself reaching for the money the vendor kept in a money jar and running off.

The vendor was an elderly man and couldn't keep up with the boy.

That was his first crime, but it wasn't his last. From that moment he lives for himself. He never had another, he had to make money some way. The world never gave him anything, so he will take what he could.

He started to go by Lucky! He was Lucky indeed never getting caught.

In his Adulthood:
Lucky's crimes kept on increasing, from stealing from vendors to jewelry stores and criminals themselves he knew how and when to strike.
He did make two friends along his way. Two men who themselves were thrown away and treated like no ones: Rocky and Aditya.

She was born to the head of CBI. Following her father's footsteps she topped her school, college and CBI class. She became the best agent CBI has ever seen. Even better then her father; who was proud that his own blood was the best and passed him in being the best.

She was never thought of as a burden. She was never treats unequal to her boy cousins. She was always stronger and powerful. Her father made sure his daughter never needed a man to fight her fights. With that in her mind she was able to always know she was good enough. Even after her father passed away no one was able to push her down. She continued to make herself and her father proud.

She climbed herself to the top and became India's top agent.

CBI special agent Akira Devi! Daughter of Late CBI Director Anupam Devi and former NBI special agent Kavya Devi!

If u liked the intro do look up the song Bepanah Pyaar on YouTube!

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