Was it Betrayal

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I woke up 12 days into the journey in a ditch. Surrounded by CBI officers. I couldn't process what had happened. All I could remember was finding Lucky in bed with another woman and him and her laughing at me. They said I was a fool to think Lucky would fall for her. After that Lucky passed her out.
It was pouring rain and she didn't know what to do. She gave up her career for this man and he betrayed her. However, what can she expect from him? He always played a game. For him this was a game; she was a game. She didn't notice when a car came and was about to hit her. Someone punched her out of the way, when her head landed on a rock.
She woke up to the voice of the CBI officers.

Dirty and cold she sat in the room waiting for someone to come question her.

The door opened, but to her surprise the commending officer gave her clothes and told her to go home and return to work when she felt alright. This wasn't want she excepted. Why weren't they putting her away for helping Lucky escape?

I gave Lucy money and made her leave. I lost the girl whom I loved. I knew it was raining, so I followed her. That was when I saw the car about to hit her. I couldn't let that happen. Running towards her I passed her a way. She landed on a rock. I panicked, but I knew this was right. I had to make her think I cheated her. If I didn't she would always be on the run and that wasn't what I wanted for her.
I called CBI and told them where they could find her. I then send a voice call to the director explaining, that there was a bomb in his house and how I made Akira run off with me, threatening her with his and his family.
I had planted it in there a day ago, but I made it seem like I did it 12 days ago.
I never wanted Akira to have to run, I have done it and it wasn't fun. If you love someone you have to learn to put them first.

After, changing into my clothes I decided to speak with the director. However, before I could I was taking into a hug. He told me how he couldn't thank me enough for what I had done for him and his family. He told me that Lucky may have a heart and that if he wanted he could have let everyone believe she let him go when it was actually because she wanted to protect him and his family. He told him how he found the bomb Lucky told him about and was proud of Akira for protecting his family.

I had no idea what to do with this information, but I remember to days ago, Lucky told me I should take him in. He didn't want me to keep running like he did. I was happy that I found someone who cared enough for me, but angry that he did not tell me his plan. I could have helped find another way.

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