The Meet

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The name is Suresh Gill. One the India's top drug dealers. His been in the business for 35 years. However, no one has been able to gather enough proof to send him away for good. Everyone knows it's him dealing the drugs, but he does it though others that he will never be caught. One can say everyone will be happy to get rid of him.
I have been following him for a month, actually to get this case I had to make deals with the NBI as this was their case. Do I have evidence to put him away? Yes, I realized how he does his dealings. So, why have I not put him away? Because, he is the prefect target for me to get to Lucky. A man India wants gonna. A man whose drugs have fallen into wrong hands which includes children. That is something I realized about Lucky. He seems to go after people who have wronged someone, especially children. So, when I realized Gill's drugs have gone into the hands of children I knew somehow Lucky would come into the picture and I was right.
Today, is the day I will come face to face with the man I have wanted for years. I heard from a inside man of Gill's who I have planted that Gill's drugs were stolen from the port and it was taken by Lucky. How it they know it was Lucky? Well it's simple. He himself made the call to Gill and told him about them. He took Gill that if he wanted them he would have to pay up. 10 crore was his prize. The fact the drugs would earn him 50 crore profit, Gill had no choice, but to get it.
He will be meeting Lucky today to make the trade and I will be there.

The deal was done. The drugs were exchanged with the money and Lucky had turned to leave when Gill's goons pointed their guns at him. I was looking at his back this whole time, but he turns see his face. I have to say this man is quite handsome and most girls would go gaga over him. Really, Akira back to what's happening. They will kill him and you will not be able to catch him alive, nor get to know how he operates or if his working with others. You have to save him.

I turned on my motorcycle and taking my gun out I drive in shooting at them all. Once, they all including Gill are down I bring my motorcycle to a stop. Removing my helmet I get down and walk confidently towards him. Giving my hand I bring him to a standing position. I have finally come face to face with my biggest catch.

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