How To Get Away

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I wasn't an orphan in fact my father is still alive. We were a happy family, at least to the world.
I was 5 when it happened when a monster entered our house. His eyes red, holding a bottle in his hand. Crash the bottle broke and the next thing I saw was the white walls of the hospital. A police officer told me I was going to go live with my grandparents. He did it; he not only launched at me, but he took my only support, my mother. I would be lying if I didn't know that one day it would happen. To the world, they saw a hard working man who took pity on a lower class woman, gave her shelter and love, but it was all a facade. He was never a lovely husband or father. He had beat not only my mother, but also me. My mother would try to protect me, but she was too weak.
I lived with my grandparents, however the public judged them as a murders parents. They couldn't face the world and soon we were on the streets.
I was 7 when I saw him taking that aunties purse and running off with it. I didn't know when he came up to me and gave me a 1000 rupees, from that day on I always observed him taking what was not his, but he would always come to me and give me a small amount of it.
I was 8 and he was 10 when I helped with my first crime. I was the look out and as soon as I saw the store owner about to enter his store I kicked a rock to his head making him bleed. It was enough for him and I to run away. We got away with 50,000 rupees that day.
I was 9 when both of my grandparents passed away from an illness. He was 11 and took me to the woods where he had made a house from the wood he found in the woods, to live in. I saw that it was old, but it was a place to live and stay warm from the cold rain. I realized maybe I didn't have it worse, maybe he did. He never had anyone.
I was 18 and he was 20 when we meet Aditya. He was 16 and the people in his society were calling him illegitimate. Was it true? Yes, it was. His mother was an unwed mother. Our society is to blame for his loneliness and his mother's dislike for him. Society never let her forget that she had him when she wasn't married and peoples taunts and abuse towards her made her take her anger out on him. Was it really his fault? No, but this is society. They blame and abuse the child that's born out of wedlock and abuse and taunt the woman that had it. They do not taunt the man that ran off, not taking responsibility for his deeds. The woman is always to blame. Sometimes, it gets to much for even her that she takes her anger out on that child. Was it fair? No, but how much abuse can she take? Are there women that, even after being betrayed by the man they loved will love and care for the child born from that affair, with all she has? Yes, there are many women that will take this as a lesson and work hard for her child. She will take the taunting and abuse, but she would never let someone abuse her own child. However, Aditya was not that lucky. He did not have that kind of mother. She was always mad at him and her betrayal from the man she gave herself too made her even angrier at Aditya. She saw that man whenever she saw Aditya, but she never saw herself in him.
We saw him that day and Lucky took pity on him. We gave him some food and let him hang out with us, however we did not allow him to steal or rob anyone. It was when he turned 18 that he asked us to let him be part of the team. While we did not think we should, his words got to us and we let him. What were those words? "You guys are the closest people I have ever gotten to having a real family." He was right we were a family in a way. Since then, it's been us three against the world.
We would be the look outs or distractions, sometimes using lasers to blind cameras, while Lucky did the crime. Whatever, it took we did it, but the result was the same; take and never get caught.
Who am I? I am Rocky and this is how we three meet and got away with crimes.

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