What She Feels About The Case

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As I sit here looking at these files I cannot help but think about what this case has cost my family. It's been 30 years, 2 months and 29 days since the incident happened. I was 1 year, 4 months and 28 days old when my father got that call.
A boy had stolen from an elderly man. At the moment father had no clue that, this boy would be the reason for his stress and cost him a happy family. It was played off as a young mischievous boy. No one knew that this boy would end up becoming one of India's most wanted criminals. My father spent more and more time in the agency then he did at home. Was he an absent father? No, he was very much present when needed. He helped me in any way he could. He was always a phone call away, but when not with me his focus was that boy. It did have a toll on my parents marriage. My mother would always say, it felt like he had his family at home and another away. That when home his focus was to make me strong and keep me happy and when away was on that boy. She felt as if the boy had been his child from another woman. She wasn't wrong. He would spend his time home with me too make sure I knew he loved me. Their marriage became only a name. They no longer had love left for each other, while at lease mother didn't. They stayed in the relationship only for me and what society would think. The truth was even if mother asked for it father wouldn't have given her a divorce. It wasn't because he wanted to control her, but our society always questions the wife and blames her. He never wanted that for her, but she kept pulling away from him and he no longer could make her happy, so he changed his focus onto me and making me happy. To the world and in front of me they acted happy, but behind the walls and inside their room I would hear their fights. They didn't know I could hear it, but I could.
I had a family and two very loving parents, I had everything I wanted, but I am being a little selfish I wanted my parents to actually love each other.
So, looking at this case I cannot help, but wonder what life would have been without this boy. I cannot help, but have some kind of dislike for this boy, but I then think about something my father said before he passed. "Akira what if he had no one? What if he did it because he had nothing? What if he was never shown what love really was? What if he was an orphan and this world rejected and abused him?"
What if that is the question? What if my father was right? Was this boy rejected and abused that he had to find a way to make a living for himself? I cannot even image if that was the case what that boy must have felt.
The question is do I really dislike this boy? I mean I should. He cost me a real happy family. He cost my parents their happy marriage. He cost my father his life. He took so much from me, but if what my father said is true I can truly never dislike this boy. All I know is this was my fathers case and he gave his life for it and I will solve it. This will bring peace to him. Looking at the sky, I say, "I will solve this papa, I will make sure your sacrifice wasn't for anything."


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