What He Feels About The Directors Family

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As I sit here looking at these newspaper clippings I cannot help but wonder. How could she think taking me to the orphanage would be better? Why didn't she look back? Why couldn't she take me and keep me with her? Why didn't she come back and see if I was taken care of? Was I really that unwanted that no one turned back to see what would happen with me?

The headlines read:
"NBI Officer Kavya Bedi Finds New Born & Takes Him To Near By Orphanage!"
"An NBI Officer Finds a New Born In The Streets"
"NBI Officer Bedi Rescues New Born"
"Local Woman Finds New Born In The Storm"
"A New Born Found By New NBI Officer"

These were only some of the headlines. Her name was Kavya Bedi. She was the woman who found me on the streets as a new born drenching in the storm. I have looked her up. She was a local woman who had just begun her job at NBI as an officer that same day. She was the pride of her family. A woman that fought the odds and became an NBI officer. I see why she was the pride back then, while even now you really do not find that many woman officers. It was a moment to be proud of. She deserved it. Then, I am forced to thing. Why if you fought to become what you wanted didn't you keep me? You were strong and brave I know I would have had a good life if I was with you. However, what was her fault? She was a 21 year old young woman that was just starting her life. She didn't know the orphanage would treat me unfairly. My own parents had left me, how could I blame her? Am I being unfair with her? Yes, I was never her responsibility. She did what she thought was right, but ultimately it was wrong. However, she wouldn't have known it was wrong. I mean come on how many women at 21 really are ready for a baby? That to a woman who had just started her career and had no man to fall back on. I know I am being unfair with her, she wasn't the person who give birth to me and left me on the streets. She was the woman who found me and brought me to an orphanage to take me out of the storm. She is the last person I should blame, but I am a human and I keep thinking what if she took me.
She was 25 when she got married to then CBI officer Anupam Devi. It's funny kind of, if you think about it I am the reason for her husband's stress and their relationship problems. I guess I shouldn't be unfair with her for leaving me at that orphanage and not looking back. I took her happy family from her even if it wasn't intentional I was the reason, just like I somewhere question her and say what if, I know she does the same. She questions what if I never committed those crimes and took her family from her. I guess we are connected in that way. We somehow find our ways to each other.
She was 27 when she welcomed her first and only child, Akira Devi! Her daughter had the life I always wanted. Two parents whose life I was. Who would do anything to make me happy. Yes, I envy her. She had what I wanted, but did she really?
She (Akira) was only an 1 year old when I committed that crime and her fathers attention got split between me and her family. She never really had the prefect life. I have seen families where the parents love each other and how happy the family is. Yes, Akira had everything, but the truth is I didn't let her have a real happy family. She had parents that loved her and stayed together for her, but I know she knew they weren't happy with each other. She had her parents attention, but she shared her father with me in a way. Like Kavya Bedi now Kavya Devi would say I would be be the other family her husband had.
Director Devi you had the prefect family, but I would come into your life like the storm I was born into and take it from you. You spend the same amount of time on finding out who I was, that you did on your own child. Somehow, it makes me happy in away I had this person who was looking for me. I had a person who cared enough, even if it was just to take me off the streets to find me. I took your happy family and caused enough stress on you, yet you still continued to find me. This was the commitment I always wanted from a person. A person who cared enough to do anything to find me. I sit here today thinking, would you have found me by now, if you would have been alive? I cannot help but feel for myself. I lost that one person who really cared enough to find me no matter the amount of stress I caused on him.
The Devi family and I have been connected from the moment Kavya Bedi held me in her very arms. I wonder how far this connection will go. Will the now head of my case CBI Officer Akira Devi go to the same lengths or even more to find me? It will be something to see what life has in-store for us. Whatever it is I have seen your work. Your extremely strong and brave like your mother. Your determination is something you have gotten from your father. I cannot help but wonder what it would feel like if you were a real person in my life. Would I be able to get a person who will love me and want me? If this connection with your family is real, will that person be you? I cannot lie, I like what I see in you. Your not only a beautiful person, but strong and brave something I love to see in a woman. I know I am also the reason for you not having the prefect life and I do feel a bit guilty for being that reason. You never deserved this, but what can I say somehow your family is connected to me. Let's see what is to come from this. Either you find me or like your father I remind - mystery. How I wish it's the first, I want to see what you would do to get to me, I want that person in my life who does whatever it takes to get to me. How I want that person to be you.

Pls to stream the MV if you're free

Lucky is connected to the Directors family and always has been.
He has an attraction for Akira.

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