Revealing the Truth and Saying Goodbye

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We wore our mask and entered inside the Sun Bank. Shooting my gun in the air locking the door behind us Rocky yells "Nobody move!"

We order Mika and George (I know you maybe shocked, but why do you think I chose this day. I knew George would be there.) to take Rocky and Aditya to the bank safety deposit boxes. As I stay with her making sure no one trying to get away.

We have a list of boxes to rob. They were all of corrupt politicians, businessmen/women and so on. We do not feel it would be fair to take from the everyday average men/women.

We have a while calculated plan and if done correctly Rocky will have taken the East Wing while Aditya the West.

I see the fear in everyone and I feel bad, but I will not shoot them. They have no clue that I will not hurt them, but we would not hit the everyday person.

As believed I hear the police and then see them. They are aiming guns at us. I see them through the window. I know they know it's four of us, I really have know clue what will happen next, but it was still a risk I was willing to take.

Boom boom I hear a shot, but I do not hear glass breaking. I look to see Akira standing guard. A bit of confusion crosses my mind until I realize one of them Mika or George had a gun on them. I tell her to get the bags and see what was happening.

People are panicked and yelling hearing the shooting. I feel bad yelling at them to stay quiet, but what can I do. Hiding behind the chair I am trying to control the situation. That is when I see her. She has a gun pointed at me. Game over, she is about to arrest me. I have no way out and I know I lost the two people who may have been the only two people to care about me.

Standing up I point my gun aimed at her. She removes her mask; what a beautiful face she had; that I pull off mine. We stare at each other for a few seconds, until I realize. It's all in. Either, I escape with the money and jewelry with her or I am done with.

Boom I drop my gun all while not taking my eyes off hers. She has a bit of a shock when I do that. Then I pull out her work card. There it is she knows that I have always known about her. Taking her hand with the gun I place it on my heart. It takes a few seconds before we see Mika running at us with his gun. Pointing her gun at him. She speaks, "drop the gun or your gone." He takes the risk and shoots but misses. Before he could shoot again I run kicking the gun away from his hands.

That is when she does the unthinkable, yet something I wanted. "To the back now she yells."

She orders them to put on her and min hoodie and to walk out with their hands up and surrender to the police and to say they are the ones along with Rocky and Aditya to have robbed the bank. That they were the masterminds and Rocky and Aditya were forced by them. If they did not do it their families would lose all the money they have been embezzling. They could have ran away but we had guns aimed at them and if they hadn't walked out they would be shot.

They walked out and the police surround them. That is when we run for it. We take the back door, having already parked my motorcycle in there we get onto it and ride away.

I got my happy ending. The woman I have been liking on took my side while risking her career. I lost two people, but I got love.

The question is will that make up for the two gone. I got love, but lost them. I never formed a brotherly bond with them because we knew something like this could happen, we always risked it. What will happen with her. I know Mika and George will say it all. They will tell them what happened and the CBI will look for her. She will lose her career and may have resentment for me after that.

Whatever maybe at the moment I am going to take it in. I have my love and we have all the money. She wraps her arms around me hugging my back and I feel bliss!


Promo: It's been 12 days since I got betrayed in love. He left me, I had nothing left.

I have been busy with work and personal commitments so have not been able to update. Anyways the next will be from the "To Be Continued."

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