Ready To Be Caught

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I see her removing her helmet, what a beauty she is. Her wavy long locks cascading down her back. Those chocolate colored pearls looking straight at me. The moment has arrived for us to come face to face. While, I have always known about her and have admired that beauty with a brain; this is the first she has seen of me. She has heard of me and has been hunting me for a long while, as had her father who was her predecessor. The difference being her father never got this close to me. I must admire this beauty, for she has played it well. I cannot lie, while I know who she is, nowhere did I think she would come face to face with me today.
She gives her hand unaware that, her catch already knows who she is. However, while her catch knows of her, he or should I say me, myself, I am intrigued and cannot help, but hold those hands. I must say, I have always felt a connection to her and this may be my only chance to get to know the really Akira Devi.
Taking her hand, I place my hand into hers saying.
"Lucky.... whom do I have the pleasure to have had saved me today."
A: Akira, the pleasure was mine
L: Well I cannot have a beautiful woman like you save me and do nothing in return.
A: What do you mean?
L: I live close by, why not invite you to my place. Before you take it wrong, I mean it as friends. I do not have many friends asides for the two who live with me. So, why not make another, especially with the one who saved me.
A: Well, I must say that is quite the offer. I would decline to your offer, however I am new here and maybe a friend in the city may do me some good.
L: Oh, that's great then. So, what do you say friends, he said extending his hand out to her.
A: Friends

I can see in her eyes, she is stratified with the fact she has got her catch in her arms, yet she is unaware of the fact her catch has given himself to her. I know exactly who you are Akira, yet I cannot help, but let you catch me.

On our way back to my place I inform her of my roommates and ask her where she is staying. She informs me that she has recently arrived earlier that day and has yet to find a place. I knew this was a lie, she was trying to see if I could let her stay with me. I will let her have it and tell her to stay with me. I had an extra room.

We returned to my place, tossing the bag of money I had gotten, I inform the boys of Akira and tell them she will be staying here with us.

She got her catch, yet I got mine.

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