Chapter 1: I'm adopted?!

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"Mireya! Dinner's ready!!" my mom calls me.

I walk downstairs and I see my sister Nicole and my parents already sitting at the dining table. I sit next to Nicole. "What are we having?"

"Spaghetti." My mother answers. She seems a bit nervous.

"Mm, yummy."

"What were you doing upstairs?" My father asks with a smile, also nervously.

"I was texting with my friends about summer vacation which is in three weeks already. I'm so excited! Where are we going? I was thinking France..."

"About that. Mireya, we have to tell you something." My mother says. I see her grabbing my fathers hand. "We've been meaning ti tell you this for some time. But now, just before summer vacation seems like a good time. You're adopted."






"Wait what."

"We're sorry that we didn't tell you sooner," my father says.

"Did you know this?" I ask my sister.

Her looking down at her lap is enough for me to know that she did.

"Well continue. I sant to know everything about my adoption," I say with a little bit of sass.

My mother begins: "After almost four years if trying, we didn't want to wait anymore. We wanted Nicole to have a sibling, and not one that was too young for her to play with. So we decided to go for an adoption. After contacting a few people, soon enough there was a woman from LA named Violet Romano in her late thirties who had a week old baby girl. She was desperate. The one time that we talked, she sounded terrified. But we didn't care, even though we should because she gave us you. But we just wanted to have you as soon as we could, as did she. Her only condition was that she could give you name. We don't know a thing about her. We could call the adoption lawyer, but she won't know much either. We decided to wait to tell you, because we didn't want you to feel different and we knew you wanted to find out more about your biological family as soon as possible. You can go to LA this summer. One of us will be going with you"

"Wow. That's a lot of information."

They all stare at me. It just hit me. I don't look a bit like them. Why didn't I notice it before?

"Thanks for telling me. And don't worry, I still consider you my family and I love you and all that stuff."

They all laughed. "We love you too."

I rolled my eyes and fake gagged. Cheesy.

Time jump: three weeks later

I opened my eyes. Today I was going to LA and maybe I would see my biological family.

The plan was that my father would go with me, but he, my mom and my sister decided to go on vacation to Florida, so I'll be going alone.

All the lawyer could find out, is my mother's latest adres and a picture of her with me when I was just a few hours old. I will go there with a cab, it's a three hour drive. I will check in at a hotel and then go to the adres.

Let's hope this works.

After breakfast, I get dressed:

I say goodbye to my family and then grab my big suitcase. I took a lot of stuff with me, I'm not sure how long I'll be in LA.

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