Part Two

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A week into being an Avenger

It had been about a week since you arrived at Stark tower. You had gotten a lot closer to everyone especially Natasha. You had created a special bond with her. There was something particular about your friendship that just made your heart skip a beat every time you thought about it.

Thor had told you all his Stroud from his last about him and his brother Loki. Well I guess you could say his adopted brother. He told you about the first fight here in New York when the avengers had to fight against Loki. He wasn't exactly a friend right to the avengers but he was tolerable.

Wanda had shown you her powers of course she didn't not use them on you because you were an ally.  She told you about her relationship with vision. How she loved him very much.

Steve didn't say much. He didn't have a lot of secrets. You weren't sure he had any but he was very easy to read. He was a nice guy though. Always looking out for all of the avengers.

Clint was a great guy. He was Natasha's best friend and he had a family. He told me all bout his house that he lives in with his wife and his kids. When I asked him about why his family didn't live in Stark towers with him he said it was because he would rather them be somewhere where they can't get harmed at all. Like in the middle of no where.

Bucky was like the brother you never had. He opened up to you one night and yous sat and spoke for hours and hours about his life. He told you that night that he would do anything he could to protect you. He was the most scary looking yet he must have had the biggest heart.

Bruce Banner was more of a keep to himself sorts guy you had spoken to him but he didn't open up to you as much as the other avengers. Natasha had told you story about Bruce and why he keeps to himself. Whenever you walked past his room he would have music playing or have his head buried deep into a book.

You still hadn't met Peter yet since he was still out on his mission.

You had gotten closer to Tony, Pepper and had gotten to know Morgan more. She was cute. Sometimes you'd just be chilling out in your room and she would come in and lay with you and fall asleep. She was definitely the coolest kid you knew.

"Hey JARVIS turn the lights on please" The lights to your room flicked on and you smiled "Thank you JARVIS" You had asked Tony to put a small desk into your room for you which of course he did. You had some stuff sitting at it. Including your laptop. A few books and a notepad that occasionally you'd draw in. You had a journal to but that was hidden away in a drawer so no one could see it.

You sat down at the desk flicking three some files on your laptop when you heard a knock at your door. "Who is it?" You called through the door and you heard a male voice "it's Bucky"

"Come on in Buck"

The man entered your room and slowly made his way over to your desk. "Hey, Exciting new we are having a party tonight" you furrow your eyebrows at him "a party?" He nods his head and laughs "Tony's a big party guy. Come on you should know that he's your brother" Be gently punched your shoulder teasing you knowing you would fight back.

You punch him back and he hold the part of his arm where you hit him. "You punch so hard. Ouch" you chuckle to yourself and get up off your desk chair "I'm sorry how rude of me to punch someone" Bucky rolls his eyes and pushed you "the party's at 7 so be ready" just as he was about to leave he turned back round and raised his eyebrows at you "N A T A S-"

"BYE BUCKYYY" you shouted to him throwing one of your shoes at him which he caught with his metal arm. "See you then"

It was currently 5:57 plenty of time to get ready. You shut down your computer and head into the bathroom to have a shower.

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