Part Twenty-Seven

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No ones point of View

It had now been a week since the mission. Harper was still in a coma but she was doing better. She was able to come off the ventilator and was now breathing on her own.

The doctors just aren't sure when and if she's going to wake up.

The team had been visiting. Of course Natasha was by her girlfriends side for as long as she could be. She would come by and sit in the chair next to the blondes bed and hold her hand while she told her how much she missed her.

The redhead would tell her how much she loved her and to keep fighting and wake up soon because she needed her.

Nat would be there when everyone else came to visit.

The only person she refused to be around was Steve. Through out the week he had only visited two times.

The Russian refused to speak or be near the super solider after his aggressive behaviour towards her. She still blamed him for what happened to Harper.

Tony would stop by everyday to check on his sister. He would read her chart and pretend like he knew what was written on it. Even though everyone knew he didn't have a scooby.

Bucky and Wanda were also by everyday. They would bring coffee and food for Nat. Wanda usually only spent ten to fifteen minutes in the room before she would have to excuse herself as he emotions would catch up to her.

But Bucky. The metal armed man would sit just like Natasha. Sometimes he would sit for hours to hours on end or he would spent only a few minutes. Sometimes a few minutes was all he needed.

Occasionally he would sit on the opposite side to Nat and hold the blondes other hand. But most of the time he would pull up a chair right next to the redhead and wrap and arm round her shoulder and give her a hug. He would comfort her.

He be sure to ask her if she needed anything and before he left everyday he would go get Natasha another coffee knowing she hadn't slept well the night before.

The rest of the team had only popped in a handful of times. Deciding to come and see how Harper was doing but not staying too long to disturb the redhead who was by her side.

The mission had been reported to Director Fury and today Steve, Sam and Bucky all were going to Shield for questioning on the matter.

Injuries are always a possibility. Everyone knew that but when Fury had been given the hint that more damage could have been caused due to an avengers carelessness he wanted to know the full story.

So here Nat was. It was mid afternoon and the Russian was in her seat beside her girlfriend. She had a firm yet soft grasp on her hand as she sat back and stared at the ceiling. She had been like this for a good few hours now.

But luckily she was pulled it her thought when there was a light knock on the door and it squeaked open.

The redhead met eyes with the Sokovian Witch who had two coffee cups in her hand. She gave Nat a small sympathetic smile like alway before handing her the cup earning a small "thank you" from the redhead.

They sat in brief silence for awhile before Nat spoke up. "Have you heard anything from Bucky or Sam?" She asked still refusing to even consider Steve.

"They where due to be at shield for twelve." Wanda peered down at her watch before continuing "it's now three forty-five and we haven't seen or heard from them"

Natasha nodded glancing down at her interlaced fingers with Harpers.

Wanda continued again "Bucky will drop by later. He always does." Nat chuckled softly tears welding in her eyes for the eighth time today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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