Part Twenty-Four

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The next day
Natasha POV

You where spending your Monday morning laying in bed with Harper. You had woken up first and refused to wake her so you lay, watching her, listening to her breath and watching her stomach slowly rise and fall.

It wasn't exactly early in the morning but you did not expect to be interrupted by a knock at the door. You tried to gently pry yourself away from Harper which was successful. You opened the oak door to reveal Clint standing he gave you a small smile. You looked back at Harper making sure she was still asleep before closing the bedroom door and looking back towards your friend.

"What's up?" You asked and he bit his lip. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come back with me. I really want to take Laura out for a few days as our anniversary is coming up but obviously because of the kids I can't so I was thinking maybe you and Harper could babysit for a day or two?" Clint seemed to be pleading, the man was desperate he had missed going out with his wife. As their house was literally in the middle of nowhere it took time to get to places and they would never go out cause their was no one to watch the kids.

You stood and thought about it for a second, you loved Clints kids you really did but it was a big responsibility. "Pleaseee" Clint begged and you let out a sigh "fine but only for a few days. I'll need to say to Harper but yeah okay sure" a massive sigh of relief escaped Clints mouth as he lunged forwards and hugged you "thank you"

"When do you leave?" He bit his bottom lip before replying "a few hours" you punched his arm. "And you couldn't have brought it up yesterday" Clint shrugs with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Fine dude" you groan and be smiles at you "thank you" he quickly disappears before you can change your mind and you shake your head rolling your eyes before going back into your room.

When you entered the room you noticed the blonde girl was awake. "Morning" you gave her a small smile which she returned. "The bed got cold without you" she smirked a little getting up off the bed and walking towards you your hands immediately met her waist as you wrapped your arms around her.

One of her hands cupped your cheek.

"I need to talk to you about something" Harper tilted her head a little waiting for you to continue.

"Clint wants us to babysit his kids for a few days" Harper's face lit up "count me innnnn"

"Really?" You asked, Harper smiled at you and chuckled a little. "Of course, I've never met Clints kids but I'm assuming their little cuties" you rolled your eyes playfully leaning into lay your head on Harper's shoulder.

She just held you close her hand running through your red locks. "You want to pack then go back to bed for an hour?" She suggested and you nodded and that's exactly what yous did.

An hour or two later

"I just spoke to my brother and told him we would be away for a few days he seemed to be okay with it" Harper entered the bedroom, she leaned against the door frame watching you pull on a pair of trainers.

"Great" your voice was clearly sarcastic and the blonde girl could tell she frowned and tilted her head to the side. "Your not looking forward to seeing Clint's kids?" She asked and you sighed

"I am, I just wanted to spend more time with you" Harper's frown turned upside down and formed into a soft smile. "Nat" she walked over towards you and sat down beside you. "We are still going to spend time together. we will just be babysitting at the same time" Harper started to laugh, you leaned your head against her shoulder.

"I guess so" your arm was itchy but it was right under your cast you let you a loud groan and tried to itch it but failed "do you think Bruce will get me out of this thing before we leave?" Harper continued to laugh shaking her head at you.

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