Part Eight

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Two months after Harper left for her mission

Harper's POV

"Come on Harper. You got this" You where sitting outdoors making yourself look the part of the crowd as you sat at a small table surrounded by others some of them being S.H.I.E.L.D agents undercover. You sipped on the coffee that you had ordered to make yourself blend in more. This was hopefully going to be the last day of your mission if everything went well where you would have enough intel on the agents at hydra to be able to hopefully take it down one and for all.

"Anyone have eyes on the target?" You whisper into your earpiece making it look like you where on the phone as you lifted your fake phone up to your ear. "Target is coming out of the building to turn left" an agent replied you took a death breath before getting up from your seat and waking towards them with your head down. You walk straight into them and they drop their phone you pick it up swapping it with yours quickly before handing it back.

"Mi dispiace. Mi dispiace" You apologise in Italian to hide you voice and walk off in a rush heading to the Rendezvous point. Once your out of eye sight your start to run hoping that the guy had not caught on yet. You hear voices, like shouting coming from a bit further behind you. So you start to pick up your speed. You where so close to the car you could see it. But there was a guy that look familiar right up ahead in your way.

Instead you decided to get into the he nearest cab.
"partire, partire, partire" (Go in Italian or so says google translate sorry if it's wrong) the guy starts to drive and you sigh a breath of relief. "The goods have been collected but change of plans. Met back at home base" you say through your ear piece and man driving the cab looking back at you three his mirror.

"You speak English?" He says and you nod with a smile. You give him the address of where you wanted dropped of. You where not getting dropped at home base because it would blow your cover instead you where getting dropped a block away.

"Thank you for a ride" you give the guy ten dollars and get out the car. You keep your head down and started walking as fast as you could towards the hotel room you where staying at. It only took you a few minutes to get there. Once arriving in your room you saw a few other agents standing waiting on you.

"Here you go" you hand one of them the phone, it had passwords, Data, Phone number a bunch of things that could help our investigation on hydra.

"Miss Stark there will be a car waiting you out front in an hour to take you to the Jet so you can go home" a smile crept onto your lips "home" you repeat a warm fuzzy happy feeling waving over you.

Two hours later

Instead of going back to the compound straight away you decided to go see someone else first. You walk through the door of Stark tower and up the elevator till you got to the penthouse sweet at the top. You make your way about looking for Pepper and Morgan.

"Pepper?" You shout out looking around the tower. "JARVIS where are Pepper and Morgan Stark?" You ask the computer as you stand in the kitchen pouring yourself a drink of juice. "Mrs Stark and Miss Stark are out shopping but should be returning home anytime soon"

"Grand, thank you JARVIS"

You decide to hang out in the livingroom for a bit. The tower was pretty boring without anyone in it but that wouldn't be for long. You heard the door to the elevator ding. "JARVIS why are the lights on" you hear Peppers voice as she walks into the he livingroom almost shutting herself when she saw you sitting there "Oh My God. Harper!" She came over to you, greeting you with an embrace "Hey Pep"

"How did the mission go?" Pepper asked you as she sat down on the couch next to you. "It went really well they thought it was going to take a lot longer but they have everything they currently need from me so I was sent home early"

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