Part Four

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It was the day you'd leave to go to the compound.

Harper's POV

Excited yet nervous was how you felt. You couldn't wait to Met Fury and Peter but you where slightly nervous for what had to come. The missions, the training. You couldn't fault it till you had see or done it though could you?

Luckily the team wasn't leaving till about 5pm. You wanted to spend the day with Pepper and Morgan knowing you wouldn't see them for a while till you'd had returned from the compound. You had planned to take Morgan to Central Park. Pepper through it would be nice for you three to spend the day together and you happily agreed.

You where just getting ready to go out. Tying your shoe laces when there was a knock at your door. Before you could even speak the little brunette ran in all excited. "Auntie Harper. Are you ready?" Morgan jumped up and down she was definitely hyper "I'm just coming Sweetheart"

As soon as you finished tying your laves you hand was grabbed and you where pulled out your room and down the corridor to where Pepper was. "Your ready?" Pepper questioned giving you a soft smile and you nodded your head.

The three of you headed out. New York was busy like really busy. There was people everywhere you where worried about losing Morgan. You had your hand grasped onto hers but instead your decided to list her up onto your shoulders. "Thank you" she giggled placing her hands on your head to steady herself as you hold tightly onto her legs.

On your way down the street you and pepper speak about your move to the compound. It didn't take long to arrive at Central Park there was loads of other kids there. "Okay Morgan me and Auntie Harper are going to sit right here. You can go play but please be careful" Morgan nods and giggles and run off into the play park luckily yous found a bench just at the park so you where able to watch her incase anything happened.

"So Tony. How's he been doing?" You ask turning to face pepper who kept her eyes on Morgan's "he's doing better. His sleeping getting better. After The full New York incident  he had serious trouble sleeping. He would spend all his time at night building more suits of armour rather then sleeping and when he did he would have nightmares. Sometimes he still does but he's gotten a lot better"

"That must be horrible. I didn't even know" you hung your head in shame you didn't even know your own bother was suffering it sounded like PTSD. "It's not your fault he was stubborn at the time. Yous weren't on the best sides or things and into not like me and Tony where either we had really big fall outs constantly and it got hard. Him dealing with that along with his anxiety it just didn't help him" She explained turning to look at you. Your own brother suffered and you never knew.

" I just wish I knew. I wish we where closer before now" Pepper hugs you, leaning into her embrace you felt at home. Like she was your second mother. Even when you and Tony weren't on good terms pepper would send you a email or a letter or sometimes even give you a call m just to check up on you.

"I know you do Harp. But there's only so much you could of done" understandingly you nod Morgan comes running over to you. "Mommy Mommy can we get ice cream" Her big brown eyes plead as you look between you and Pepper.

"Okay, but don't tell Daddy because I'm not bringing some home for him" She laughs picking up her bag from next to her and grabbing onto Morgan's hand. "Well let's go"

Tony's POV

"Clint buddy. We are leaving here about 5pm so make sure all your stuffs on the jet before we leave" You warn him as he passes your tech room "yeah I will don't worry T"

You and Bruce where in the tech room. You where finishing off Harper's suit while Bruce worked on making some new devices for each member of the team. You both worked well together, both of you where extremely intelligent and techy so working together made things so faster.

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