Part Nine

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Later on in the day

You and Thor where on a walk around the compound grounds. The compound was in the middle of nowhere so there was a lot of tree, Forrest about which you liked to explore but no one liked to come with you apart from Thor. You guys would explore the Forrest together always finding cool things and having stick fights just overall having a good time together.

"So how was it when I was gone?" You ask the tall blonde haired man as you stepped over some logs as yous headed deeper into the Forrest. "It was weird not having you around for so long. But I think every handled it pretty well" he replied grunting as a twig stabbed him in the arm.

"that's good then, I'm glad. What have you guys been up to. Any other missions or just training?" He thinks for a second before speaking "Peter, Tony and Vision went on a mission together a few weeks after you left and then Natasha and Wanda went to scope some stuff out but apart from that not really"

You just nod your head as you continue walking through the Forrest yous both stop after awhile finding some tree stumps to sit on. Thor could tell there was something wrong with you. You had been different since you returned to the compound. He decided not to ask thinking maybe you wouldn't want to speak about it and decided to bring up a different topic.

"So, you and Natasha?" You can help but smile at the mention of Natasha's name. You nod your head slightly "yeah, I really love her Thor. We are dating we just haven't really said anything about us to anyone yet but I really do love her" you looked up from your hands which you seems to be fidgeting with and see his grin "that's great, I'm so happy for you. As long as you are happy that's all that matters"

"Thanks Thor" you guys ended up playing a game of tag on the way home as you chased each other through the Forrest. Theo was currently it and changing you the only good thing about him being it and being in a forrest was that he was very muscular and a lot bigger it took him longer to get by the branches where as you could slip past them.

You turn back to look at where he's at you smirk as you see he is quite a bit away from you "Harper watch out for that tre-" before he could finish shouting you felt a hard knock on your head which caused you to fall bad onto the ground holding your face. Thor kept running trying to get to you as he did he knelt down next to you his face scrunching up as he saw the blood gushing from your nose.

"You got to watch where your going. Are you okay?" He asked concerned as you open your eyes you head was spinning everything was spinning. "Thor I don't feel so good" just as you said that everything started to go black.

"Ahh no no no" Thor picked you up and carried you back to the compound as fast as he could. Luckily yous where pretty close when you went face first into a tree. He carried you into the compound shouting for help as the other started to swarm round your unconscious body.

"Thor watch happened?" Tony asked as he got down on his knees next to you and had a look at your face. "She ran into a tree at great speed" Tony shook his head. Thor picked you back up carrying you to Bruce's lap laying you down on the table.

"What's wrong?" Bruce question coming over to you to take a look Tony filled him in on the accident.

"Okay well she definitely has a broken nose, I don't think there's anything else wrong I'll take a brain scan to be sure though" A machine does a scan of your brain taking pictures of it for Bruce and Tony. Bruce also realigned you nose and placed a small plaster over the bridge of your nose to keep it in place.

Your eyes slowly started to open your head pounding you could hear faint voices. Everything was pretty dull, you eyes unable to focus on everything due to the bright light. Tony spots you waking up and rushes over to you he grabs your hand to see if your responsive "Tony what's happened?" You hear a breath of relief escape his lips as he smiled at you. "You ran into a tree kid, you blacked out after Thor got to you. You just hit your head pretty far you seem to be okay apart from the broken nose"

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