just an accident.

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taehyung sat upright, brushstrokes expertly sliding around on his paper. jimin laid opposite him, tongue poking out as he concentrated on the fine details in his painting.

jungkook sauntered over, still feeling low-spirited, and plopped down next to his boyfriend.

"tae?" he asked. "yeah baby? what is it?" taehyung replied, kissing his boyfriend's soft cheek. "can i paint too?" jungkook asked, as he rolled the thin brushes against his hand absentmindedly.

"sure you can, here you go." taehyung passed a sheet of paper to jungkook, as well as the paints. "just make sure you don't mix the paints, jimin doesn't like it-"

jimin tapped taehyung's shoulder, much to jungkook's distaste, and showed him his painting.

"look taetae! i-i painted a lily." jimin smiled shyly. "oh wow jiminie! that looks great!" taehyung gasped. 'i could do way better than that.' jungkook thought huffily as he painted. jimin giggled cutely and placed the painting down carefully to dry. "i'm gonna give it to yoongi hyung!" he declared.

"he's gonna love it jiminie!" taehyung praised. jimin grinned proudly at that.

jungkook also wanted to be praised.

"taee." taehyung turned to the bunny boy. "look! i painted a tree, it's in the shape of a heart, isn't it pretty?" taehyung cooed at jungkook's painting. "yeah baby it's so-"

"uh taetae?" taehyung stopped and turned his attention back to jimin. "can you refill this jar of water? the water's gone all murky." jimin sighed. "sure jiminie. i'll be right back." taehyung stood up and walked to the kitchen.

once taehyung's back was turned, jungkook gave a dirty look at jimin. he was upset because taehyung didn't even get to finish what he was saying to jungkook.

rolling his eyes again he called the pink haired boy. "jimin?"

jimin startled, not used to the blonde starting a conversation with him. "um..yeah?" a small feeling of hope bloomed inside the boy, he had wanted to become friends with jungkook for so long. however, jungkook seemed to avoid him so he never really got the chance to.

"can you pass that brush to me?" the hope jimin felt withered, embarrassment taking over as gave jungkook the brush. how silly he was.

jimin sulked internally as he continued his second painting. jungkook painted in a rather relaxed manner, his brush dotting to and fro. he didn't realise what he was doing wrong until jimin tapped jungkook's shoulder.

"what?" jungkook was irritated. the other boy shifted hesitantly, his own brush clasped tightly in his hand. "uh-i-can you not mix the paint?" jungkook wasn't normally this petty, it's just, jimin's presence was making it hard for him to not to act up.

"no." jungkook resumed his previous actions. jimin gaped as his precious paints were getting messed up. he bit his lip and with a moment of strength, he snatched jungkook's brush, the said boy gasping before an angry look appeared on his pretty features.

"hey! i'm still painting can't you see?" jungkook yelled. jimin cowered, maybe that wasn't the best thing to do.

in retaliation, hot-headed jungkook splattered green paint all over jimin's lily. jimin went red-faced as he picked up his ruined painting.

taehyung heard the commotion and returned to the living room. "hey guys, what happened?" jungkook stomped away with a huff. jimin rubbed his face as he quietly spoke. "n-nothing. it was an accident."

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