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it's nearing dinnertime now, so taehyung is bustling around, preparing a dish in the kitchen. while he's chopping the fresh tomatoes, he worries about jungkook. 'he's been rather quiet since this afternoon..' he bites his lip as he rinses the spinach. 'why do i feel like there's something i'm missing?..'

his train of thought is broken by an airy voice.

"hey taetae!" taehyung turns to see the jimin standing with his yellow blanket. cooing, taehyung flicks the boy's chin in return. "hi jiminie. guess what's for dinner?" jimin pouted, his face screwed up in thought. "uhh....i don't know. what are we having?"

taehyung laughed at the boy's pure expression. "we're having spaghetti. yoongi told me you like spaghetti so i hope you like it!"

as soon as jungkook steps out and hears taehyung, he frowns. 'but-he promised me we could have whatever i wanted. i don't want spaghetti.' he walks over to the kitchen where jimin is passionately telling him about the time he saved an entire family of ducks being run over, and tugs on taehyung's sleeve.

jimin stops talking, alert flooding his senses now that jungkook was here. taehyung's smile ceased and the worry he felt came rushing back. "what is it koo?" he says while stirring the pot of bubbling sauce.

jungkook's ears are twitchy, his expression moody as he whispers in taehyung's ear. "tae, i don't want spaghetti. can we have something else?" taehyung sighs. he was tired, taking care of two hybrids was not easy and jungkook was just adding to the stress.

"sorry baby, i made portions for all of us so it's best we just eat this okay?" jungkook's face fell. "but tae-"

"jungkook, i have prepared a wonderful meal and we're going to enjoy it. that's final. go help me set the table." taehyung's voice was strained, the bottled up stress making it's way out. he hadn't realised it'd shown in his voice as he turned his attention back to the pot, not thinking much of it, while jimin resumed his exhilarating story.

an ugly feeling bubbled in jungkook's throat but he swallowed it down. his steps to the dinner table felt heavy, he felt guilty for making taehyung feel annoyed. he didn't say jungkook's real name often, it was always 'baby', 'koo' or 'kook'. but when he did, it meant jungkook was misbehaving.

defeated, jungkook did as taehyung asked. he weakly called taehyung's name when he was done, the brunette patted him on the back before jungkook grabbed his hand. "what is it jungkook?" taehyung busily set the pot of pasta down on the mat. jungkook whispered, eyes downcast. "i-is there a-um-" taehyung frowned at the boy's murmuring. he tilted jungkook's head upwards. "what did you say? i couldn't hear you." the boy gulped and spoke again, this time much clearer.

"is there a cake?"

taehyung made a noise of confusion. "what?"

jungkook remained quiet but his eyes held a glimmer of hope.

"you know.."

taehyung didn't know. he shot a perplexed look at the hybrid.

"erm..sorry jungkook there's no cake."

the light in jungkook's eyes flickered out.


taehyung sighed.

"do you want me to get one now? i can run down to the bakery but i don't think they have the ones you like since it's late now-"

"its fine."

taehyung's breath hitched slightly at jungkook's curt reply and nodded. he decided he wouldn't press on the situation anymore, while the other walked away silently, indicating the conversation was over.

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