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after another session of some well deserved cuddling, they're laying in their bed. taehyung runs his long fingers through jungkook's tangled, matted curls.


jungkook perks up at taehyung's voice and looks up, his eyes filled with stars.


taehyung looks fondly at the angel in his arms.

"is today a special day?" he asks.

taehyung has a rather oblivious expression which makes jungkook feel sad again.

"um yes."

taehyung's eyebrows shoot up. "what day is it today?" taehyung's stress skyrockets when jungkook's face turns sour.

"i can't believe you forgot. hmph."

jungkook slaps his chest and turns away from him while settling deeper into his arms, a big pout on his lips. taehyung gapes at the sulky baby. he's genuinely confused. what day is it today?

taehyung backtracks.

jungkook showing off his outfit. jungkook asking for pancakes. jungkook's disappointed look when he gave jimin a gift. jungkook getting upset because he cuddled jimin. jungkook asking if there's a cake.

what's today's date? he looks at his phone. september 1st.

he freezes.


jungkook hums as he sees his lover's mortified face.

'so he figured it out, huh.' jungkook sighed. taehyung had always been forgetful, even more so when he was preoccupied with something else.

taehyung kisses his boyfriend all over, murmuring a thousand apologies as the pout on jungkook's lips disappears quickly, turning into his signature bunny teeth smile.

"i can't believe-oh my god-it's your birthday, i'm so sorry baby." taehyung wants to throw himself away. he was so caught up in the preparations for yoongi's boyfriend, that he neglected his own.

"it's okay," jungkook breathes, "you were so busy with jimin coming over and i know how demanding yoongi is when it comes to jimin. it's too late anyways, you don't have to do anything." he finishes by giving taehyung a kiss on the nose.

taehyung looks at jungkook, the boy being the brightest star in his universe. what did he do to deserve someone like him?

"no!" taehyung cups jungkook's squished face in his hands. "you deserve EVERYTHING. i vow that everyday for the rest of the month will be your birthday!"

jungkook giggled in delight, the sweet sound making taehyung smile as they kissed once more.

if this was what made jungkook happy, so be it. he would never trade it for anything else.

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