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taehyung just stares at him incredulously. jungkook had been caught, eyes now wide with sheer terror. his right hand frozen in the air while his other hand gripped jimin's now ruined blanket, fingers stained with bright red pasta sauce.

jimin's loud sobs echoed through the dining room.

"what's wrong with you!" taehyung rushes in, the boxes of fresh kimchi and pork belly nearly falling out of his grasp. he set the food down and slammed the front door shut. "first you ruin jimin's painting and now this!" taehyung claws his fingers through his chestnut locks, fully agitated as his tiredness begins to seeps through.

he quickly takes jimin away from the dining table and sits him on the couch.

"why are being such a brat today? i have spoiled you too much! jimin is our guest! how can you think of hitting him! why are you treating him so badly!" taehyung yells.

jungkook stifles a sob, feeling scared and shocked because taehyung never raised his voice at him.

"n-no, it's not-tae it's not what you think, let me explain-"

"bedroom. now."

taehyung's eyes were dark.

even jimin's crying had been reduced to small sniffles, he had never seen taehyung act so cold. his eyes widened as the man in front of him contrasted so much with the easy-going smiley man he had saw this morning.

jungkook's ears flattened completely, drooping over his eyes as they brimmed with hot tears. he stood up, the noise of the chair scraping against the tiled floor abrupt as he quickly walked to their bedroom.

jungkook could hear taehyung's voice turn soft as he left. he turned and saw how gentle he was treating jimin. seeing how taehyung comforted jimin, the pain in jungkook's heart stabbed deeper and deeper.

once he made it inside, he slid to the floor, the emptiness of the room making him feel so very isolated. self-doubt filled every crevice of his mind, making him feel incredibly small and insignificant when he shied away into a dark corner.

he could hear taehyung cooing. "jiminie look at you, you're crying but you still look so cute. let's get you cleaned up ok, baby?"

jungkook slapped a hand over his mouth as soon as he heard that word, the overwhelming hurt spilling out of his broken heart and onto the cold marble floor. his muffled pitiful sobs echoed in the room, he felt so alone and unloved.

jungkook had been brought up in a unloving and uncaring environment. his family always looked down on him, they thought he was weak. his brother always made fun of him. told everyone around him that he was girlish, utterly useless. a good for nothing.

his mother and father weren't any better. they had only ever given him words of discouragement. they told him if he didn't find a way to support the family, frankly they'd sell him for money. and they did.

"it's nothing personal darling. we just need something useful, and you? you're just another mouth to feed so what's the use of keeping you around?"

jungkook never forgot the cruel words and harshness of his family. it had scarred him for life.

but then came taehyung.

he had rescued him from the deadly clutches of a master who mistreated hybrids. who mistreated him. the thought of that vile person made jungkook sick to his stomach.

taehyung had brought him back to his home. initially, jungkook didn't trust him one bit. how could he, when all he ever learnt was to trust himself if he wanted to survive?

they spent months together, taehyung helping jungkook to accept and slowly move on from his past by building new memories together. happy ones. they took baby steps, and eventually each step lead closer and closer to them falling deeply in love.

but were they still in love? did taehyung still love him? no way. not after the stunt jungkook pulled one hour ago.

at least that's what jungkook thinks.

he buried his head in his arms, shivering at the turbulent thoughts running through his mind.

'you're just a jealous brat who made a complete fool out of himself.'

jungkook blinks, the tears won't stop stinging his eyes.

'poor, sweet, beautiful jimin. what did you do? what's wrong with you?'

he tastes salt and feels his body burn with shame when he remembers the harshness of taehyung's voice and jimin's tear stained cheeks.

'you're so ugly, you know? inside and out. no one will love you. how could you think taehyung ever did?'

the violent sobs wrack his body, but jungkook can't stop the damage from flooding his system. he can't stop himself from feeling this way, he can't think straight. he's so insecure.

but he knows he deserves this. he deserves the pain.

he's never good enough, because he will never be.

jungkook decides.

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