At the Office

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When Mari and Sohinki walked in, Joven ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.

“It went well!”

“Yay! Good for you Joven!”

“Okay, now that everyone’s here, we have some news,” Anthony started.

“We’re getting Married!” Ian finished.

“I fall asleep early one night and I miss so much!” Mari screemed with such joy in her voice.

"When did you fall alseep, Mar?"

"I, don't remember, accullaly."

"Sometime before 8, 'cause when I left, you were asleep."

"Oh. Ok."

        Mari didn't want anything to ruin their newly enganged friends' day. She hoped that David would just forget about everything. She doubted it, though. 

"We'll, since it's Saturday, we should film a Top 5," Joven said trying to stop the unbareable silence that had absorbed the room.

"Ok, What would the top five be about?" David asked.

"Top 5, biggest reallity mistakes!" Ian yelled.

"Ok, I guess we'll do that one," David said.

"We should all do it, togther. Anthony and Ian could be in it, and tell everyone they're married!" Joven said.

"Let's film it!" Sohinki yelled.

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