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( There is a lot of cursing because Matt is PISSED just a warning though. Continue at your own risk. If you chose to skip due to cursing, I will put up a summary next chapter. )

Sohinki's POV
No, no this was not fucking happening. No, she hates him. She fucking hates him. So why the fuck would she hug him. What the fuck did he say to her.
"Hey Mari!" I said as she walked in the room.
"Hey Matt," she never called me Matt, it was always Sohinki.
"So, what did you and David talk about?" I ask so nonchalantly.
"Nothing. He apologized for what happened at the office. He felt bad for making me cry." Was that a lie or the truth. I really couldn't tell from the way she was acting. Maybe she was just trying to get me off her case.
Mari's POV
Why is Matt asking me about David? Did he see me hug him, and if he did, what does he care? I still like him more that David. I don't like David, not anymore any way. We are still friends, David and I, but Matt seems, I don't know, different. He seemed scared for my life when I walked in.
Sohinki's POV
David is so fucking dead! He knows I like Mari!
"Hey David, can I talk to you?" I ask him as I step out into the hall to avoid Mari getting mad at me for what I'm about to do to David's face.
"Umm... sure." We walk outside and out of the view of the windows of our offices.
"So what did you," I cut David off as I swing at him with my fist. He grabs my wrist and punches my stomach which causes me to crumple to the ground in pain.
Wes's POV
Holy shit. I just saw that. I really just watched Matt swing at David. Holy shit. Matt's on the ground.
"MARI!!" I run down the hall screaming like a maniac.
"ANTHONY!! JOVEN!!" I stop in front of the doorway.
"Wes, what's wrong." Mari said with the world's most terrified face.
"Matt, David, fight, help." I mange to say taking breaths between each word. Mari leaps out of her seat and runs. She doesn't even know where she's going, but that never stopped her. I follow her along with Joven, Anthony, Ian, and Flitz. As we turn the corner, Mari is sitting on her knees while David is standing a good ten feet away from her looking like he just saw a ghost. Ian runs up to him and starts screaming at him,"What the hell did you do to him?!" I grab Ian's shoulder and tell him to calm down.
"Sohinki just got the wind knocked out of him. He's gonna be fine." I say as if it's helping the nervous wreck of a crowd. Mari is crying. I hug Mari, she thinks I'm David.
"Don't touch me David." She runs away from me and into the street. We haven't heard from the hospital since.

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