What's your biggest mistake?

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"My biggest reality mistake is not realizing the girl of my dreams was always right in front of me," Joven explained, clearly mentioning at Dannelle. The camera panned to David. "My biggest mistake... breaking my best friend's heart." Mari thought it was directed at her, so she blushed, but then he started explaining about how he broke his high school best friend's heart when he asked her to homecoming, then ditched her to go with his guy friends to an amusement park. He told the whole YouTube community that they haven't talk since that day when he told he was sick and couldn't go. She told her friends and they went to the same amusement park and saw him there. They were in line for talon, his favorite ride. She was right behind him. She screamed oww and he turned around and she saw his lying ass. Mari thought that he had let go of what happened last night. "Had he?" She thought. Then it went to Sohinki, he talked about doing stuff to annoy his brothers and getting beat up and being to shy to do stuff he really wanted to do. Then, it planned to Ian and Anthony.
"My biggest mistake," Anthony started,"not asking Ian to marry me sooner!" "My mistake, not saying Yes sooner!" The camera went black.

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