All His Fault

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Anthony's POV
It's  been weeks days since the accident and no one has heard anything for the hospital or David. No one has even thought about forgiving David for causing Mari to run into the street. Matt came to work yesterday, but said he was going to the hospital to check on Mari today. Wes' phone started going off,"Ian, can you get that for me?!" He yelled from the hall.
"Sure." Ian took one look at that phone with utter disgust," Its David."
"Ian, answer it," I told him. He picked up the phone, clicked answer, and yelled,"David!! Mari has been in the hospital for days now! And it's YOUR fault. You just had to fight Matt didn't you?" Ian yelled. Mari was his closest girl friend. I was across from Ian and I could hear David crying.
"Stop!" Wes yelled from the doorway," Matt swung at David first!"
"What?" Ian looked over at Wes as if he'd seen a ghost. Now even Wes could hear David sobbing through the phone.
"Yeah. David was just defending himself. If you're gonna be mad at anyone, Ian, be mad at Matt." Ian looked at the floor, then hung up the phone. "Everyone, get in the car."
David's POV
They hate me, they all hate me. They think it was my fault. It wasn't, Matt started it. I sound like a five year old. If Mari isn't ok, I'm done. I'm already done. I suffered from depression a few years ago and then I met Mari, and Anthony, and Ian, and Wes. Anthony and Ian offered me a job, so I took it and met some amazing friends. And now, I have none of those friends. They all hate me. I can't live with them all hating me. I walk over to my bathroom and take out the blade I've been using since the day she got hit. The cuts have somewhat healed. No, I don't deserve to be healed. I deserve to be in pain. I deserve to die......
Ian's POV
I'm an asshole. I feel so bad. Poor Mari. I still don't know how this happened. I don't even care anymore. I just need to get to David's house.
"Ian, slow down."
"No, Anthony. I will not slow down. I need to get to David's house."
"If you don't slow down we'll crash." That hit me hard. I slow down.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" The stranger says as he gets out of his car.
"It's not your fault. It's his!!!" I scream as I point to David. He's on the phone with 911.
"Ian, it's green." Wes points out. I pull over. I burst into tears.
"Ian..." Anthony tries to soothe me, but I'm crying like a baby.
"Get out of the driver's seat Ian. I'll drive now. Where are we going?"
"David's." I get out of the car and switch to the passenger's side.
David's POV
So much blood. I take a washcloth and put it over the fresh cuts.
"Where is that hose?"
Ian's POV
We pull up to David's house and see blood on the bathroom window.
"Fuck!" I yell.
"Oh my god..." Anthony whispers.
"No...." Wes says. Flitz is crying.

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