She's Awake

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Quick AN- So this will be a fast AN, I absolutely hate reading these too but, I feel that I should bring up that I am running short for ideas so if any of the readers have any ideas, I will try to put them in. Also, I just started high School today, so if anyone has tips on that, I would appreciate that. That also means it will be hard to update with all my extra circular classes and the clubs I'm in, so I will try to update every... let's say... Sunday. Sure, Sunday. Now I've talked to long so STORY TIME!!!!

Wes's POV

So, I decided to ride with Ian in the ambulance with David while everyone else took Ian's car to the hospital and would meet up with us. David was crying out for Mari, but not so much with pain, but with... Love. It was strange. She was with Matt. But before him, David hurt her apparently. I've also been a little depressed lately. Probably being the fact that my hug caused her to run out into the street and get hit. She thought I was David, but her getting hit was my fault. They all blamed David, because they didn't want to blame me. I felt I should ride with him, and Ian thought he should be here because he said he was an asshole to David. David was still covered in cuts made by a blade, and it looks as if there was more, older cuts that had healed. Smosh Games was falling apart. This is why we don't date Co-Workers everyone! I hate having the feeling that she ran into the street because I tried to hug her. We are speeding to the hospital and I get a text from Matt.

Are you guys on your way yet?

Are you kidding me Matt, we told you we were dealing with something. Can you please stop worrying about Mari. To be fair, he doesn't know about David.

Kind of... be there in 5. I text back. We pull into the hospital and we jump out of the ambulance and dart into the hospital where Matt is waiting for us.
"Hey guys... I have to tell you something..." Matt started.
"What?" Ian asked.
"I swung at David first. I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid. Then everyone started hating David, and I felt awful. I...I'm sorry..."
"Matt, we know. I saw the whole thing." I say to him as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Yea..." The stretcher David was on came wheeling through the wait room.
"Is that... David?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, he tried to kill himself."
"Matt, why don't you take us to Mari."
"Oh, ok..." He lead us to the elevator and to the 4th floor. She was room 457. Nurses and doctors filled the room.
"Mari?" I said as I walked toward her bed where she was sitting eating some food.
"Wes?... Ian?... Hi." She sounded so weak. Then again, she had been in a coma for a few weeks. I walked over and hugged her. So did Ian.
"Mari, do you remember what happened before you where hit by the car?" Ian asked her.
"A little, I pushed David away."
"No Mari, you didn't push David away. You pushed someone you thought was David away." Matt explained,"You pushed Wes away."
"Wes... I did.... I sorry..."
"Mari, I didn't get hit, you did. I should have grabbed your arm and held you back. Do you remember anything else?"
"Um... I just remember David fighting with Matt and Matt on the floor."
"Who do you think started the fight?" Ian questioned.
"David?..." Her voice went up at least an octave.
"No, he didn't. I did Mari. I'm so sorry. I got jealous. I didn't want him to hurt you. I'm sorry." Matt confessed. Mari started crying. Poor Mari. I hugged her.
"Wes, where IS David?"

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