Chapter 19: Don't Say Yes

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You all ready for this???


"Wait!" I said raising my hand.

The preacher stopped and looked at me. Gasps echoed throughout the room. My dad and my mom stood up and stared at me with mouths open. 

"Matt..."I said, "Matt, I love you. Don't marry her." Matt stared at me, then looked at me. He ripped that awful pink tie off and ran down the aisle to me. 

"It's about time." He said as he swiped me up and kissed me. 

"Dad, I love you, but I will not marry so that you aren't broke." Matt said to his dad when we stopped kissing. Mr. Mitchell's face was blood red and he was flincing from the look Diane's dad was giving. Everyone else in the room seemed to be frozen. 

"What! No! He is marrying me you idiot!" Diane shrieked. I ignored her and kissed Matt again. That's when everyone started screaming. 

I moved away from Matt to see Diane's dad pointing a gun at Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell had his hands in the air and was walking backwards to the sidedoor of the church. All around me guests were ducking under the seats, trying to get away from the gun. I couldn't see much after that because Matt shoved me behind him. 

"You had one job. Get your kid to marry my princess, and you can't even do that!" He said waving the gun like a mad man. "AND you!," He yelled, turning on me, "You couldn't keep your noise out! Mitchell put a command on you and you still butt in! Well I am ending this! You pack will be mine Mitchell, even if I have to kill you and the boy."

And with that he turned to Matt and shot the gun. 


The police sirens and lights slowly faded taking Stewart with them. Mr. Mitchell was currently trying to justify himself to an unmovable cop. I watched as Matt's dad was placed in a police cruiser and it drove away.  Sadly Diane wasn't going to be arrested, she hasn't done anything illegal.  Last I saw she was yelling and storming down the street in her pink wedding dress. 

Matt came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Happily ever after." He whispered into my ear. 

Well you didn't think he had gotten shot did you? Right as Stewart shot the gun Jordan tackled him the floor, and Matt, with werewolf reflexes ducked the bullet and pulled me to the floor with him. 

"Yes!" I said turning around to wrap my arms around his waist. "Happily Ever After!"


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