Chapter 11: Matt

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  • Dedicated to the best momma on earth!

To my mom who finally found her 'mate' two years ago. Friendship is just as important as love.


The next morning I woke up with the silliest grin on my face. I put my finger to my lips. I could still feel Matt's good night kiss. Matt had given me his jacket and we sat on the front porch talking forever. When we weren't talking, we were just staring at each other. I could get lost in his eyes. We grew up together, we didn't have to go through the "get to know you" stage. I did learn one thing about Matt last night though. The bond portrayed between Matt and his dad was a farce. They did not get along, Matt's dad did not believe Matt would be a good Alpha. but tradition stated that as long as Matt had a mate he would receive control of the pack unless the elder pack members voted Matt incompetent. I just couldn't imagine Mr. Mitchell acting like this until Matt told me another thing he father had done.

A week before Matt marked Diane an elder had come to him and expressed concern that Mr. Mitchell was trying to discredit Matt in front of the elders. A rumor had been started the Matt was failing college and had been heard repeatedly declaring that he would rather be a rouge than an Alpha. The elder knew this wasn't true and suggested that Matt find a mate.

After I heard all this I apologized to Matt. I should have listened to him. I felt so bad that I had been mean.

"I have something to confess." I said to Matt.

"What is it Sweetie?" He asked. He called me Sweetie!

"Your car, I was sorta the person who egged it." I whispered refusing to look at him. I was sure the ensuing silence was a sign that Matt was angry but when I looked up he was trying not to laugh. "What!" I demanded.

"I've known since that night who egged my car. I watched you do it." I was looking out of the upstairs window." He said with another laugh.

"You knew the entire time!" I yelled hitting his chest. He grabbed me and pulled me to him.

"Yes I did." Matt said. He kissed my forehead and tucked me unto his chin, then he gave me a play by play on each egg I had thrown. He thought my aim was amazing. I credited it to being mad.


After reliving my entire conversation with Matt and our kiss about five times I decided to get up. I showered and got dressed with Matt's promise to see me today in mind. I decided to go with a blue dress that stopped at my knees. I put my hair in a braid and added some cowgirl boots. Perfect. After one last check in the mirror I bounced down the stairs with the stupid grin still on my face.

'Good Morning!" I chirpped, bouncing into the kitchen. Jordan groaned from my loud voice and covered his ears. I shot him a triumphant smile and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before I sat down at the island.

"You are certainly in a good mood this morning, and your dressed up!" My mom said as she slipped two pancakes onto the plate in front of me. I grinned though a mouth full on pancake and nodded my head. After we finished eating I helped mom with the dishes and Jordan went to watch T.V. Lazy, annoying brother. I was drying the last dish when the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Jordan yelled from the living room. "Hey man, what's up?" He asked whoever was at the door. No, I knew who was at the door. I could smell his scent. The woods and soil mixed with a musky aftershave. I tossed the last dish into the drain which made my mom yell at me about being careful with her dishes. I ignored her and ran into the front room.

"Matt!" I cried and ran into his arms. He laughed and caught me, spinning me around once before pulling me into his chest. I snuggled there, completely content, and not wanting to leave. Matt walked awkwardly farther into the room so Jordan could shut the front door. After realizing I wasn't going to let him go he laughed and picked me up. He sat us down in my dad's recliner.

Jordan stared at Matt holding me and mom walked in from the kitchen. She stopped when she saw me in Matt's arms. After a second she smiled slightly and shook her head. Jordan wasn't as accepting.

"Why are you holding my sister?" He asked glaring at Matt.

"I came over last night and we talked. I explained some things and Abby forgave me for being an idiot." Matt was talking to Jordan but he was looking at me the whole time.

"You forgave him?" Jordan asked now directing his gaze at me.

"Yup." I said glancing at Jordan for a nano-second before looking back to Matt. I could look at him forever. My eyes dropped down to his lips and I had the most incredible urge to kiss him. Almost like he was reading my mind, Matt lowered his head and kissed me gently.

Jordan sighed in defeat and flopped onto the couch beside mom. After a few minutes he sat up and pointed a finger at Matt. "If you hurt my baby sister I will do more than just break your nose." He threatened.


We didn't tell my family why Matt had rejected me at first, we also asked that everything still stay a secret to dad. We promised that by the end of summer next year we would tell everyone. That gave it an official date. In one year either Matt and I would separate, or he would mark me and we would marry to receive his pack leadership.

I wasn't too worried about any of this, I was so happy with Matt that I could imagine marrying him. The rest of the summer pasted in a blur. Matt and I grew closer and closer. He took me on our first date to my favorite restaurant and there he presented me with a promise ring. I wore it on a chain around my neck inside my clothes so no one would see it. We had told some of our friends, but the pack elders and his parents still didn't know that we were mates.

At the end of the summer Jordan and Callie got married. (Which made mom flip out again about having an empty nest.) I walked down the aisle, as Callie's maid-of-honor, hand in hand with Matt who was Jordan's best man. We danced to every song that night. Everyone smiled when they saw us together, both packs hoped we would mate. I decided for that night that I wouldn't worry about what everyone thought.

Very quickly the summer was over and Matt had to leave for college. I cried, and he promised to come home every weekend, and to text me constantly. I demanded that he call me every single night and he agreed. The start of school was welcome to me because it was a distraction. My wolf did not like being away from Matt anymore than I did.


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