Chapter 8: War

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Three weeks later......

This morning I woke up to the sound elephants stomping up the stairs to the second floor. Footsteps sounded from the landing, making their way to my door.  A second later someone started banging on my bedroom door. If they kept it up they would break the door down.

"Abigail wake up!" A voice yelled through the door. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head and smashed my face into the mattress. If I ignore them, they will go away....No such luck.

Whoever was at the door wasn't leaving. "Abigail Michelle Ross! You are not spending the entire summer in your room moping!" My door flew open at the end of that sentence and bounced back against the wall. I peeked out from under my pillow and saw my friends Jenna and Kaylee both standing there, hands on hips, glaring at me. I returned the glare and added a stuck out tongue. Then I went back to facing the pillow.

The girls jumped onto my bed (and me) and made themselves at home. I shifted so I was sitting up and they got a good look at my face.

"Oh sweetie!" Kaylee exclaimed, "You look awful!" Kaylee was never one to sugar-coat things.

"Kay!" Jenna admonished, slapping Kaylee on the arm. Kaylee jumped and rubbed her arm giving Jenna a look that asked 'what gives?' Jenna nodded her head in my direction. She apparently thought that I was so fragile that I would break in the face of an honest insult.

"It's ok," I reassured Kaylee, "What are you two doing here?"

"We are here to drag you out of this house!" Kaylee said getting her pep back. "You haven't texted us in weeks. You skipped tennis, and you never hang out at The Java anymore." Kaylee said with a glare.

"We thought you might have dropped off the face of the earth. So we decided you need a pick me up. Go take a shower, we are going out." Jenna demanded in her no nonsense Beta voice. 

"I don't feel like going anywhere. Can't we hang out here?" I asked with a whine. Kaylee fixed me with a glare.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." She declared to me. "Wow, I've always wanted to say that!" My friends are nuts. I looked between Jenna and Kaylee (who had the biggest grin) and pulled the blanket over my head snuggling down into my bed. Maybe if I ignored them they would go away.

My plan didn't work. The next instant I was on the floor. They had flipped the mattress. Jenna picked me up, her Beta strength helping her lug me to my bathroom. I struggled against the two of them, but it was a losing battle. My best friends not so nicely dumped me in the tub. Then Kaylee turned the water on. Cold.

"Ahh!" I shrieked trying unsuccessfully to get past them."I'm still dressed!" I yelled.

"We are going to leave. If you are not showered and wrapped in a towel in twenty minutes we will come in and make you shower." Kaylee said to me. Then she and Jenna walked out without another word, ignoring all my protests.

I will admit that the shower made me feel better, after I took off my clothes. I laughed as I washed my hair because I was thinking of my friends' intervention. No doubt the criminal mastermind behind it was Jordan. He hated when I was upset and he knew Jenna and Kaylee would make me feel better. I would make sure to repay the favor later. 

I got out of the shower with five minutes to spare.  Wrapped in a towel I walked out into my bedroom and stopped dead at the sight of my vanity table. It was covered in every imaginable kind of make-up. Great...they were going to play barbie with me. I took a step back thinking of making a break for it but Jenna caught me.

"Oh no you don't! You are going to sit down and let us fix you up. Then we are going to the mall for some girl time, and after that we are going to The Java and you are going to get up on stage and sing out the pain. You are going to start acting human again, and stop feeling sorry for yourself." Jenna scolded as she forced me into a chair in front of my vanity mirror. She pulled a hair dryer from out of no where and attacked my hair. Kaylee went to town on my make-up and I closed my eyes hoping this torture would be over soon.

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