Chapter 14: Christmas

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  • Dedicated to Everyone reading this

I spent a week dwelling on the meeting. I was so preoccupied that Matt yelled at me though the phone and I didn't even notice. Eventually he hung up on me, I called back and yelled at him for hanging up on me. Of course, being a man, he was in the wrong and had to apologize. 

Eventually though I came to forget the meeting. I mean, I couldn't tell anyone about it, so I couldn't do anything about it. Why should I worry? Weeks passed and I forgot all about Mr. Mitchell and his Alpha command. I had something else to worry about. It had hit me when the first snow covered the ground. December twenty-sixth would be six months from the day Matt and I found out we were mates. It scared me. We had half a year to decide if we would spend our life together.


"I am not giving homework over break because I will not kid myself into thinking you might actually do it." Mr. Howard, our history teacher said. It was second to last period on the day we get out for Christmas break. The best part was we got out early. In less than five minutes the bell would ring and I would be free until January fifth.

For the last five minutes of class I did what I always do. Day-dreamed while looking out the window. After I looked past the dirt streaks I did a double take, I swear I saw Matt sitting in the school parking lot. The bell finally rang and after a quick stop at my locker I ran outside to find it really was Matt leaning against my Porsche.

"Matt!" I cried and took off running. He laughed and caught me. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his scent. The scent of woods washed over me and I felt content. When I finally left Matt arms I followed him in my car to my house.

Once inside the door I was mobbed. Jordan picked me up and swung me around. I laughed and demanded that he put me down. He did, but first he gave me a noogie. The next time he messes with my hair I am going to give him a buzz cut. See how he likes his hair touched. 


The next morning I made Matt take me shopping at the mall. I was the happiest I had been since  summer.

"Matt come over here!" I said pulling him into a toy store.

"Why are we in a toy store? You don't know any little kids." Matt told me.

"Yes I do! I know Jordan!" Matt laughed and intwined his hand with mine as I led him through the aisles and stopped when I saw the perfect gift. A little motorized wolf was walking across the pathway. It's legs moved like a robot, and every few steps it let out an annoying bark, but the color of the wolf was the same as Jordan's. The eyes even looked the same.

"It's perfect!" I declared picking up the litle wolf and heading for the pay counter.  Jordan better love me, because that dog was expensive, worth it though.

The next stop was a perfume store for my mom. She loved vanilla and warm sugar. I also picked up Jenna and Kaylee their favorite scents although that wasn't the only thing I was getting them. We always hand make each others gifts. I made each of us friendship bracelets and some horrible looking scarfs.  In the hunting store found my dad a new fishing reel, and also snuck and bought Matt a cowboy hat. It just screamed his name when I found it.

I walked out of the mall four hours later with a very tired and annoyed Matt with only one gift left to find. I wasn't about to buy Matt's main gift with him with me.

The next day I made Jordan go to the store with me to get Matt's gift. A few minutes later I walked  out with three shirts, a new x-box game and a customized wallet with his name on one side and a wolf on the other.

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