Chapter 6: Can't Stand Him

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I  entered the backyard and panted heavily as I made my way to the back of the house and climbed up the back steps. The kitchen light was on so I knew my mom was awake. She was always awake this early in the morning. The sun still hadn't fully risen. She was probably sitting at the island drinking coffee and wondering what she could make for breakfast. I scratched at the back door with a paw, and it took a minute, but the door swung open and my mom's figure stood illuminated in the frame. She frowned down at me and opened the door wider to let me pass. I should have told her before I went out. I trotted in and brushed against her in apologize. She scratched my ear for a second than sent me upstairs to phase. Once I got upstairs to my room it hit me. My door was shut and there was no way I was taking the chance of phasing in the hallway to open it. Stupid opposable thumbs!

I walked across the hall to Jordan's room and scratched on the door. There was no sound of movement from inside. So I did what any teenager-werewolf-baby sister would do to wake up her big brother. I took a few steps back and jumped at the door, giving a high pitched whine at the same time. I slammed into it hard and sat back onto my haunches. A yell and a thud sounded in quick succession from Jordan's lair. I internally grinned when I realized the thud was him falling out of bed.

"What the heck!" Jordan yelled swinging his door open. He looked down wildly before looking down and seeing me. He grimaced and if I could read his mind, I would venture to guess he was regretting the day my parents conceived me. I barked at him, earning another glare. I walked to my bedroom door and sat beside it looking expectantly at Jordan. He stared at me for a minute, crossed the hallway and opened my door, then slammed back into his own room mumbling the whole time about annoying, bratty little sisters and how he wished they were against the law. 


After getting dressed I decided to bug Jordan some more because I don't get to when he is at college. I have a lot of 'bratty-little sisterliness' to make up for. I slowly and quietly entered the man cave and stalked up to his bed. After pausing to make sure he was in a deep sleep, I jumped onto the bed and simaltaneously yelled "BOO!" in his ear.

Jordan catapulted up in bed. He looked swung his head back and forth looking for danger,  and cursed when he saw it was me....again. After smoothing down the hair that wasn't perfect for once, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and promptly tackled me to the ground. "You little brat! Can't a man get some sleep around here!" He yelled, putting me in a headlock.

"It's my job," I said trying to shrug but managing to hit his jaw, "you know, baby sister and all that stuff." I said easily getting out of his hold.  Do you want to know what the best thing about growing up in a pack of werewolves is? I can fight; against my mothers best intentions, I grew up as one of the boys, constantly getting scrapped up from play-fighting with Jordan and his friends. The werewolf strength helps but  having Alpha blood in my veins helps more. Jordan and I rough-housed for awhile until my mom came up and started yelling.

"Look at you two! Fighting like your both three years old! And Jordan," she said turning her attention to my brother, "your sister just got out of the hospital yesterday! You should be more careful with her! Now...both of you come downstairs. I have blueberry pancakes in the kitchen." My mom said shaking her head. My mom's greatest dissapointment is the fact that I am not a girly-girl and would rather fight than put on make-up.

When she told Jordan to be careful with me I smirked at him as he hung his head at her chastisement. The moment she turned around he flipped and pinned me to the floor. After keeping me there for a minute to prove he was stronger, he picked me up, slung me over his shoulder, and traipsed downstairs after my mom.


After helping my mom with the breakfast dishes I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar. It was a beautiful day and I figured I would play in the park for a while. And no, I am not going to the park hoping that Matt is there, I actually want to try to forget what had happened last time I saw him. Jordan had taken off to visit some friends and mom had a hair appointment so I locked up the house and jogged awkwardly the entire way to the park, lugging my heavy guitar case behind me.

Despite my horrible morning, I was currently very happy. Daddy called during breakfast to tell us that his work conference was ending early so he would be home tonight!  (I am a complete and total daddy's girl here.)

I found a secluded spot in the park and plopped down on the grass. Busy picking out the bass line to my favorite Taylor Swift song, I didn't hear someone come up behind me. I know, wolf hearing. I should have known someone was there, but what can I say? I really get into my music. "That sounds beautiful, I didn't know you could play the guitar." The not so mysterious person said behind me. I sighed. Come on, let's all say it together...Matt. Why does he keep turning up?

I ignored him thinking that if I did he would disappear. But of course that wouldn't work, he sat down beside me, uninvited and invading my personal space. After giving me an annoyed expression (I scooted away from him), he once again repeated his 'request' to talk. "About what Matt? About how you were a jerk for years and then found out we were mates. Or about how you left me standing there when we found out.?" I asked deathly calm. If you know me, you know that I am at my angriest when I am calm. My eyes were probably black. I felt my wolf trying to take over and pushed her back down "I don't like you, you don't like me, so just find some other alpha female that can fawn all over you and is OK with getting married to a jerk." I said standing up to put my guitar back in it's case. I didn't hang around this morning and I wasn't hanging around now.

"But I do like you." Matt's voice came out in a whisper. I froze and my breath hitched in my throat. What did he just say? No. That's not right, we are supposed to hate each other. I looked over at Matt and realized that he was staring at me. "I'm sorry I left Abby. I'm just confused." He said quietly. Confused about what? What is so confusing about finding your mate? I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and sat back down to talk for a few minutes.

"What are you confused about?" I asked him, pulling up grass and shredding it in my hands.

"I...I didn't understand how I could have connected with you when...when I've..."

"When you've what Matt?" I asked, looking up sharply at him.

"When I've already mated another girl," Matt said so quietly I barely heard him with wolf hearing, "I have a girlfriend Abby. I mated her." Matt finally confessed.

"What!" I screamed jumping up. "You connected with me! How could you mate another girl! I said facing Matt as he stood up also.

"Abby, give me a chance to explain!" Matt said reaching for me.

"No!" I screamed, jerking away from him. I grabbed my guitar and ran home. I had heard enough. My mate had chosen someone else. He was rejecting me.

I can run fast, but Matt could have caught me if he had wanted to. He didn't. He didn't want me.

For the second time in less than twenty-four hours I threw myself onto my bed and cried my heart out. That was how my dad found me when he got home an hour or so later.


Oh no he didn't *head shake*.....

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