YakuLev 1

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-Yaku POV-

Kuroo was never afraid to do things in front of everyone. Kenma didn't exactly like it, but it didn't stop him. He kissed back no matter what, and sometimes he would get super into it almost forgetting about everyone else in the room. Or more like a restaurant, I should say. Yamamoto gawked at the two. I couldn't tell if he was jealous or disgusted. Probably a mix of both.

Behind us, someone whistled. I turned my head to see Bokuto, Akaashi burying his face into Bokuto's chest, shaking his head. Bokuto was laughing and hollering in our direction. The rest of his team shook their heads, ignoring the stares from other teams.

I cleared my throat and looked down at my fingers. Lev's hand was resting on my thigh, but it wasn't really paying attention to me, not since we first got here. Karasuno was at the table across from us, and he and Hinata never shut up when they start talking. I don't mind most of the time.

"Lev," I said turning to look up at him. He didn't turn to look at me, instead continued his conversation with that orange ball of sunshine. Whatever.

I laid my head on the table, staring at Kuroo and Kenma. When they pulled away from each other Kuroo whispered against his lips, causing Kenma to giggle softly.

The table behind us, which I do believe is Aoba Johsai plus Terushima, called Kuroo's name. He turned away from Kenma and leaned over his seat to talk to them. Kenma looked at me, laying his head on the table as well. "Hi," I smirked at him.

"Shut up." He blushed, trying to use his arms to cover his pinkish cheeks. "You act like you and Lev weren't making out in the back of the bus on the way over here."

"You saw that?!"

Kenma giggled softly. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. I covered my face with my hands remembering the bus ride over here.

Lev kept touching me and whispering seductively in my ear. He was so annoying but I was kinda horny. And don't even get me started about when he noticed. He became an even bigger tease, kissing all over my neck and touching me everywhere. Rubbing his hand in between my legs.

I told him to stop but he just wouldn't, he kept insisting on letting him take care of me, his teeth biting at my ear. I had to kiss him to suppress my moans. Of course, I didn't actually let him go under my pants, I pushed him away before he could. That's too weird to get jacked off in the back of the bus.

"I didn't watch," Kenma said. "I thought everyone was asleep. And when I turned around to see, I saw you two."

"Ah... that's so embarrassing."

Kenma laughed. "Don't worry, Kuroo is trying to unbutton my pants right now."

My eyes went wide. "I'm- i- are you gonna stop him?"

"Hmm? Oh. No. He can't do it with one hand anyway."

I snorted and shook my head. Lev's hand moved from my thigh and his body turned completely to face the other table. I gulped and pushed myself against the wall, crossing my legs together.

Kenma frowned at me and glared at Lev. He wasn't gonna stop until he caught his attention.

Eventually, Lev shivered, placing his hand on the back of his neck. He turned to Kenma. "Dude, what the hell? What? What do you want?"

Kenma nodded toward me. I quickly buried my face into my arms. I didn't want to look at him. Fuck, I should've stopped Kenma. I didn't want to feel annoying.

Lev's thigh pressed against my own. His lips pressing against my ear and his hand rubbing my back lightly. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Get off of me." I elbowed his chest. He groaned but didn't move. He's become pretty used to my bullying I think.

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