Iwaoi 1

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-Iwaizumi POV-

I threw my keys on the counter and loosened my tie with a sigh. "Tooru?" I didn't hear him answer. He was probably taking his midday beauty nap. He says it keeps him from being cranky but really I think he's just tired from overworking himself and doesn't want to say anything. He's so annoying sometimes, I literally have to force him to rest on the weekends.

"Tooru," I called again as I opened our bedroom door. I saw him all cuddled up in our blanket sleeping peacefully. I smiled, shutting the door before I made my way to the bed. His phone lay next to him, his hand barely touching it. I got undressed watching his sleeping face. He was so pretty.

I reached forward, dragging my thumb across his lips. They were soft and wet. I kicked my pants off and got into bed. He was curled up in the blanket so I did even try to take it from him. I kissed his forehead and then his nose. He stirred lightly, "Iwachan..." He whispered.

"Yes?" I kissed his lips softly, just once. He smiled with his eyes still closed. I nuzzled my nose against his. He smelt good and his hair was a bit damp. He must've come home, took a shower, and went right to sleep. Lazykawa.

I pushed my hand through his wet hair, pushing it out of his face. "You're so beautiful Tooru."

His eyes fluttered open to look at me. "Iwachan." His cheeks turned a soft pink, which made him even cuter. I leaned forward and kissed him, softly, just once. I could hear his heartbeat. Even after all these years, small acts like this make his brain short circuit. I use it to my advantage way too much, you'd think he'd get used to it by now. Guess I bully him too much. In my defense, he is one of the annoying people on this planet.

"Did iwachan have a good day?" He asked scooting closer to me, burying his face into my chest. I put my hands under the blanket to rub his back. He jumped a bit and glared up at me. "Cold." He whispered, grinding his teeth.

I kissed his nose. "Yeah, I had a good day." Oikawa pouted and turned away from me. Oh god, what did I do now?


"You're so mean iwachan."

"Why am I mean?" I asked him, pulling his back to my chest. He pretended to sniffle and buried his face in his pillow. I sighed and started to leave tiny kisses on his shoulder and back of his neck. The hair on his skin stood up as he shivered. I smirked and continued, wriggling my hand under the blanket and placed it on his stomach before tracing a line up to his chest. I let my hand rest there for now.

Oikawa pulled the blanket closer to his body as if he didn't want me under it. "Because you ignored me all day and still had a good day."

I laughed. He's so full of himself sometimes. He was right though, I did ignore him but in my defense, I was working. I didn't have time to just sit around and text him. Not that texting with him was boring he always starts up a new conversation if one gets boring. He's only a dry texter if he's upset or mad. But that's easy to spot because he doesn't type in uppercase letters if he's upset. Learned that in middle school.

I bit at his ear, finding the way he tried to shrivel away from me so cute. So I used my hand on his chest and moved up to his neck wrapping around it. He hummed softly when I put my hand around his neck and tipped his head back. I held him there and lapped at his ear with my teeth and tongue.

He tried to move away but was stuck. It was adorable watching his struggle to get away from me. "I was busy Oikawa. Coming home to you is the best thing."

Oikawa pouted and finally brought both his hands up to my arm, forcing it away. He turned to face me, our noses touching. "Well, I was lonely."

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