Damien Hass: I will be God

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He was drunk or should I even say wasted. Not even able to walk straight, tipsy, heavy and sorta naseous. Everybody thought that Damien was always sober, never drinks, but whenever depression hits, he's just human, he needs something to numb his pain.

On his way out of the club, he bumps into a  guy in a gamer shirt and ripped jeans.

"Sorry," Damien said, he remained in his nice and polite character despite the fact that he has alcohol in his system.

"It's alright, hey, you look like a healthy young man, would you like to volunteer for my study?" The man asked

"Yeah, yeah, for sure," Damien replied

Drunk people, they don't know what they are doing and don't even stop to think about the consequences, alcohol is indeed a strong drink.

The man got his agreement paper and his pen out and asked Damien to sign it, and sign he did. Afterwards, Damien walked towards the exit door, he was about to reach for the door knob but his body couldn't take the heaviness no more, so he finally collapsed.

The next day, he woke up in a dark room, exactly no light was visible and the entire place was filled with eerie silence. Damien searched for his phone, looking into every pocket he has in his pants, but his phone wasn't there. Being stuck in a dark and silent room wasn't supposed to be this hard, but with his hangover, his headache and everything in between going on, it was a lot harder.

Damien remained in the same place and same position he was since he woke up, but later on, he had gathered the courage to stand up and scan the room, tapping every corner and side in hopes to find a door, a way out. After a good thirty minutes, he finally touched something familiar, a door knob, he twisted it with his every ounce of strength, but the door wouldn't open, it was locked.

Guess I'm here forever...

Two days went by. Everything Damien could do during those days is to sleep away his thirst, his hunger, his accumulating stress.

He feels like he has lost his hearing and sight, since he's been seeing nothing and hearing nothing in an unhealthly long amount of time. Feeling like dread is drawing nearer, Damien laid on the floor, he'll probably end up dying later on anyway, that's all he can do, lay away.
Tears started to rain down from his eyes.

"I shouldn't have gotten drunk, I should've called Shayne and we would have talked, I'm sure I wouldn't have ended up here if I did!"

Damien punches his face out of anger

"I'm always making bad decisions, shit on me, shit on me real hard!"  Punching his face again and again until he knocks himself out.

When he awake, he was already in a white and glowing room and their was a man, who look like an English grammar teacher, standing six feet apart from him.

[Get ready for a POV switch]

God's POV:
(This POV is towards Damien)

It was an accident caused by a blassted brain, a drunken mistake. But now that all of your senses have stopped clouding your mind, without them, you can now establish contact with me.

"What happened?" You asked "Where am I?"

"You died," I said, matter-of factly, there is no point of innicing words

"I was trapped and-and I went deaf and blind and I... I'm dead-"

"Yup, but do not worry, you are not yet blind nor deaf, it was all just a bad phycological effect, but in fact, you did die," I said

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