Shourtney x Kimmien: Love's A Crime

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"I told you so, Courtney, we shouldn't have robbed the bank. Today's Monday, obviously everyone's in an alert mode. I thought you knew about that," Kimmy harshly whispers to Courtney as they sneak behind a dumpster, ducking, making sure no one sees them

"I'm in need of money, Kimmy, I have no other choice, but beides, at we have a bucket full of money!" Courtney gives her black, gym bag filled with money a little shake and smiled

"Well, I guess so, but we're still in trouble, you know, cops are tailing behind us," Kimmy checks the perimeter

They both started running again as they heard footsteps drawing nearer. Not bad for two ladies in a six-inch high heel. Having an athletic background does help you in this type situation: Courtney who is a former track runner, Kimmy who used to be a captain of her high school football team, both of them have a horse speed of a car. But at some point they have decided to grab a stranger's motorcycle as if they were in an action movie, Harley Quinn wannabes. It's been a while since they've run this fast, and they hadn't brought the iron lung.

"Drive, Kimmy. Drive!" Courtney yells as they sped up, hair flowing freely behind as the rushes directly to them

Not long enough they hear the sirens again, it was louder than ever, which means only one thing: it's closer.

Kimmy cramping up in the front, driving as her stomach twirls. She is blatantly nervous about this, out of her three-year experience in the thieving industry, she has never been caught up like this. And as for Courtney, she too was nervous. Coming from a person who had a horribly traumatic experience inside the prison, she swear that she would never go back, her chances of being shoved back inside the county jail is high, even higher than the time she smoked crack and got severely intoxicated at a public bathroom.

"Courtney, what was prison like?" Kimmy, voice breaking out of nervousness, asks Courtney

"It's awful to the point that would think God's dead. It's literally hell." She replies "And if we don't hurry, you might end up getting a first-hand experience!"

Kimmy accelerates her speed, taking Courtney slightly aback, that she almost fell out of the vehicle.

"Hang on, girl, we're going over 200." Kimmy shouts, making sure she was heard over the carcophonically loud motor engine and the sound of the sirens calling behind them. Courtney looks back, sticking her tongue out, teasingly at the cop car, yet deep inside, she knew very well that she was nervous to the spine, yet she still manages to collect her composure and act as daring as ever. Perks of being in the cat thief business for more than a decade, you'll grow the nerve that no one could ever have. 

Inside the stereotypical LA police car are two 'Dunkin' Donut'- loving,
coffee-drinking cops named Damien Hass and Shayne Topp. Officer Shayne couldn't quite believe his eyes, from the beginning of their goose chase with these stubborn ladies, Shayne feels a certain tingle in his body, specifically his chest, and if ever his hunch was right...

"Officer Shayne Topp cancelling backup. Don't worry boys, we can handle this ourselves."

"What in the fiddlesticks, Shayne, why did you cancel the fucking backup?" Damien angrily says to him

"Do you see that girl, the one in the backseat, blonde girl who sticked out her tongue at us earlier?" He points out

"Yeah, what's up with her?" Damien asked, sounding a lot calmer

"She, in my opinion, is Courtney Miller," Shayne replies, mumbling

"And what's up with Courtney Mill-oh, wait, I remember! It's Courtney fast knee! The girl you went lovesick over, oh, how could I forget?" Damien laughs

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