Kimmien: Put A Little Love On Me

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She's probably all dressed up but have nowhere to go. She's probably bored and lonely because no one's been calling her phone... Damien thought as he stare at his reflection in the mirror as he softly brushes his hair with his bare fingers.

It would be quite a shame and a lost if she did everything to look nice only not to showcase it to anyone, maybe she's doing it  for herself, I'll give you that, but something in my heart tells me that she wants to be asked out... He continued to think, even overthinking the fact that maybe his inner dialogue is getting louder and that people might hear him and think he's crazy for talking to himself, but he knows he could use his voice acting job as an alibi for that.

A couple of kilometres away from Damien is Kimmy's apartment where she is now, in her room crying, having mini breakdown. Shit, now my makeup is ruined! She says to herself. She just found out that her blind date was cancelled, now she's crying, she's mad, she's disappointed. Luckily the lights are already too low for the world to see and hear her cry, though she's scared that someone might hear her, Who cares? I don't give a shit. She grumpily said in an inner dialogue.

She hopes someone would call her up, save her day or should I say night, a 'knight in shining armour' but who on earth would call her? She has one person in mind, but she's sure he wouldn't call her, he has no reason to call her and his probably too busy taking a break right now. It's the weekend, he's all off in these days.

Damien, who is now staring at his phone, sipping on his red bull, thinking about whether he should call her up or not, holding onto hope that his drink might give him a little more confidence.

This thing is making me ambivalent. Damien says to himself.

"I could call her and pretend that I have a question about the script that she gave me and then maybe I could asked her out in that way without even being too obvious!" Damien's voice almost cracked as he says this to his cat, Zelda, and cat meowed in return.

It's now and not later... He said before pressing the dial button

Kimmy hears her phone's carcophonic ringtone and her heart jolts up and she immediately runs over to her phone and answers it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?"  Damien said to the phone, almost choking

"Hello, this is Kimmy...who is this?" Kimmy said, trying not to show her excitement

"Oh, hi K-kim-my, it's Damien," Damien stutters

"Oh hello buddy, what's up?" Trying to be as casual as can be


"Are you gonna ask me out?" Kimmy said, sounding so daring

"Oh, no, no, I was just-" Damien said in defensive tone

"Oh, I'm sorry for assuming that you were... I thought-"
Kimmy was cut off by Damien

"Oh, you know what? Yeah, I'm actually asking you out...because something in my heart string is tugging and it's telling me that you don't want to be alone tonight, and because I want to be alone tonight either," Damien said, finally finding his confidence

"Well, yeah, that tugging thing in your heart is right. I would like to go out tonight, I like to go out with you," Kimmy was now crying tears of joy, she didn't expect that a night that started up bad would turn out to be good.

"Thank you red bull!" Damien shouts

"What?" Kimmy asked, confusion in her tone

"Oh, nothing. I'll be there in twenty-five," Damien laughs

"Wait, are we going out or are we staying in my apartment? What are we gonna do? Are we gonna eat, or are we gonna grab a beer, or are we gonna watch a movie? And what am gonna wear?"

"I will take you to the greatest place downtown, I feel like you've been there before, but that doesn't matter. And by the way, don't change that best dress you're wearing now,"

"How'd you know I was all dressed up?"

"Had a good hunch,"

Kimmy laughs gently, giving Damien butterflies in the stomach.

"I'm gonna get ready now, I love you," Damien carelessly blubbered

"What did you say?" Kimmy asked just to make sure that she's hearing things right

"I love you. I know that it's a bit earlier for that, but yeah,"

"Well, don't worry 'cause I love you too,"

And with that they hanged up the phone with an unerasable smile in their faces.

Heyo! I know most of us have stopped shipping Kimmien (for some obvious reason) but I know that one more fanfic won't do harm. Right? Btw, this was requested by: lemonadeeeee_
I'm gonna try to do a Shourtney x Kimmien soon because I only have so little a time ahahaha. Anyhow, I hope you guys loved this! ❤️

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