Ian Hecox and CFM: Smosh Questionnaire

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So, hey.
Before we start, here are a few reminders, notes and some what nots:

- Read the CFM lines in a CFM impression for a better experience.

-I hope the exchanging of words aren't too confusing.

- Hopefully I depicted CFM's character well. I really did try my best.

- Expect a bunch of imperfect grammars ahead. Sorry for the typos and etc. (Please don't make fun of me)

- I really wish that this one-shot of CFM and Ian Hecox reaches Smosh because I really want to see it happen. (Hellppp mmee???)

That's it. Now back to your normal programming!


The lights are set. The chairs were placed. The questions were already written. The clappers clap... Everything is ready.

"Hello, it is I, Ian Hecox, and we are back with another episode where we ask different questions to our beloved characters, which we also consider as our extended family, and today we will be interviewing your guy's favorite god-like being... Courtney Freaking Miller!"

A buff figure transitions into view.  With blonde hair so crispy, wrapped in a orange head piece, wearing a sleeveless convict uniform. He approaches.

"God-like? God-like? YOU ARE WRONG! I AM GOD!" He shouts at Ian on his way to sit across

"Uh-hello to you, too, Courtney Freaking Miller," Ian cringes, shivering a little.

"Hello, other Anthony Padilla." Courtney Freaking Miller sternly states, leaning his back against the chair

"T-thank you for making time for our little interview," Ian smiles awkwardly

"I have all the time in the world, I just bought a bundle of time from the Amazon!" The weird being replies in a sort of retort

"Okay, so we should start now," Ian mutters through a weak sigh

Courtney Freaking Miller loves the spotlight. Ever since his first appearance, CFM had grown popular with his unearthly abilities and philosophies. This  unconventional, supernatural being has found it's way to the hearts of every Smosh fan. The interview is well-anticipated and highly requested.
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"It is such an honor to finally get a one-on-one-talk with you," Ian smiles at him genuinely

"First question!" CFM ignores him and demands to start

"Okay," Ian replies, a little disgruntled "So, Courtney Freaking Miller, how old are you?"

"How old is God?"

"Okay. So, where have you been?"

"I've been hiding in cheap motels somewhere in Florida."


"I am being hunted down by a girl. Charlotte,"

Ian could only gasp.

"But Courtney, I thought you have powers, why not use it on her?"

"Well, my powers could not defeat her, she has something much, much more stronger than what I have already obtained,"

"What is it?"

"The rarity and the power of...the resting bitch face."

"Oh, so, you have nothing against that?"

"If I had, I wouldn't be hiding in motels. Aren't you listening?"

"Oh, sorry..." Ian looks down on his feet out of embarrassment "So, what is your favorite color?"

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