Fris [Shourtney]

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" a week away." Sighs Olivia as she barges her way to my desk.

"Yeah, so?" I asked. "I mean, what's the deal?" I rephrased, scared that I might have sounded a bit rude.

"I haven't gotten Sam anything yet!" She replies, covering her eyes, and rubs her palm against it.
Oh, yeah. Getting your boyfriend something for Christmas is actually a thing. Forgot about that.
"It's as if he has everything now, like—I don't know what else can I get him." She complains.

"Tell you what, if you just gave him something random? Like, something that he probably has, but you think he'd still be happy to receive." I say as I gave her back a light pat.

"Like a plushie, or something." Shayne chimes in. Sitting across from me, talking without lifting his eyes from his computer screen.

"Maybe, but I don't know." Olivia slaps her cheeks before pushing herself straight and walks away.

"Plushies are great." I take my phone from my back pocket and picked up from the last app open and running, as I turned it on.
But before that I got a quick glance at Shayne. His face lit up, eyes wide open.

"Got a good idea, Shayne?" I asked, tilting my head to see him clearly behind the obstacle of objects between our wooden tables.

"Uh—yeah, I think so." He answers stiffly, and if I say so, tensely.
I just chuckle at him.

"Courtney, Shayne, get ready. Pit's video will be after lunch. Have you seen the new schedule?" Kiana walks in.

"Oh, no, but we'll check it out." Shayne replies, and I nod along.


"I could say," a faint whisper reaches my right ear, "that's a one good gingerbread house." I look over to my side to see Shayne, who was supposed to be beside Ian at the other end of the table. A stupid grin plastered on his face. I spill a bit of icing on my thumb, as I stare at him, confused. Shit, is it me, or does he look kinda different? Like, not the awful kind of different, just different.

"How did you get here? Anyway, of course! I'm just awesome like that." I reply, talking fast.

"Yeah, right...who lives there?" He asks.

"Who lives where?" I say as I lean in to hear him clearer.

He pushes himself a bit back, away from me, "In the gingerbread house—is there a gingerbread family in there?" He replies, pointing over to the tray in front of us.

"Yeah. There's an entire gingerbread family. A gingerbread wife, vacuuming the gingerbread child's room, and the gingerbread child is playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards with an imaginary friend and—" Shayne bursts out a raspberry. And I roll my eyes at him. "You asked the question!" I scolded.

"Sorry, sorry I just—"

"Now, what do we have here, Courtney?" Damien, who was hosting, walks in front of me, and I could smell his Redbull breath.

"Oh, I—here's my gingerbread house so far. The roof seems off, and it's not matching the rest of the design--basically it's not giving the vibe just yet..."


Courtney melts away talking. Explaining why no one should judge her gingerbread house as it is now, but to how it would look like later by the end. I stare at her. I always find it interesting when she talks, even when she says the most stupidest of things, that are nonsensical.

Christmas is a week away. A week away.

"What do you think of the gingerbread man?" I asked as soon as Damien stepped away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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