Shourtney: The Mistletoe A Christmas Fanfic

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-Some grammatical errors and whatnots. Sorry! Love ya.

-Written a day before Xmas

Mistletoes...mistletoes. Nothing much special, and he wonders what's the deal about them, and why people had to kiss under them. He had never totally got the concept of all of it. But, having a wonder of a five-year-old-child, he tries to know. Investigative mind; a pounding heat, he looks for the nearest mistletoe in the office, which he did not struggle with as he was right in front of it. And he, too, did not struggle for a person to kiss, for someone was standing underneath the mistletoe with him. Across from him with her green gem eyes downward view, to her phone. And now he begins to wonder if he was going for it.


She's scrolling through social media, watching couples happily dancing around their Christmas trees. Arms around each other with a kiss to keep their feet warm from the winter, wondrous cold. She smiles off her feeling of envy. How she wished she could do that, not even the kissing part, but just someone to hold to keep the cold, at night of December 25th. She'd fall into a rabbit-hole of videos, but, somehow, she feels a pair of eyes on her. She can make out the silhouette of the person standing across from her. He was slouching, hands pinned against his back, to the wall, most probably. Courtney looks up to meet his gaze. Shayne seemed agitated and was sweating. His eyes were darting everywhere else but her eyes. She was guessing that he was already staring for a long time. She conceals a smile. Him, staring at her, made her stomach twist. But she shakes it off, reminding herself of the other possibilities: There must be some shit on her face that distracts him, or he was just looking through her and was staring at something else behind her; he might have been zoning out and was drifting away from the world. Who knows?


Shayne's heart stopped as Courtney's head raises to look up to him, eye-level. He instantly averts his gaze. He was caught staring. He was now a creep. Internally, he was screaming out of shame. His stomach twists.

"Yeah, Shania?" She says in the most softest and mellow tone Shayne had her heard speak. His stomach twists some more and he turns to her with nervous eyes. He opens his mouth to reply, but he doesn't know what to say. He was stuck midair with a half-open mouth.

The mistletoe was shimmering over the awkwardness of the moment. He can't help but take a glimpse at it every now and then. Damn it. He felt ashamed of his idiocy.

He feels stupid for thinking and wanting a mistletoe kiss. But he was just human, and with a selfish want. He knows how irrational all of this was, but he just wants to know the magic of a winter kiss, which he never had before. Courtney wasn't even his to kiss, and that was the only problem.

He wonders why she was still waiting for him to answer instead of going back to her phone and ignoring him. Her head slightly tilted to the side, with eyes— as if a deer staring ahead at a car headlight. She looks so endearing that Shayne's heart could combust. If only she knows how much he wanted to kiss her right now.


Courtney wonders why he kept on staring at the mistletoe. His cheeks were as red as the color of the office decorations. Was he just enjoying how lovely the ornaments are? Why wasn't he saying anything? He looks like an idiot with his mouth slightly agape. If only she could squeeze his cheeks. He looks cute. He looks like a child, a confused child.

"What is wrong with this guy?" She mumbles under her breath in an easy manner. Laughing even. "Shayney? What is it, my guy?" She leans onto him, closer. Face to face. Breath to breath.

"I—mistletoe—I—no—sorry—" His rubbing his hands to friction with every word he says. He is head down, and voice extremely shaky.

Mistletoe...Mistletoe! They were under the mistletoe, but she wonders what the context of all of it was: what was the mistletoe all about? Does he want a kiss? Was that it?

"Do you-uh...want a—kiss?" Shit. Why did she phrase it like that? Hella awkward. Awkward.

But he doesn't seem disgusted over what she had said. He just timidly nods. Excitement was expressed inside his eyes. She could see the sparks fly inside him. He wanted this. Courtney was just getting to realize how she wants this, too. Her eyes hover around Shayne's thin lips, how soft they look, and how kissable they could be.

She was getting excited as well. She can feel her hands shake, and she wished that she could wiggle them as to how the young Shayne would. He looks him dead in his blue eyes and smiles. Crinkles formed as her lips stretch wider. This was what she ever wished she had—someone to get cozy within the winter. And he was all she never thought she could have, thinking it was nothing more than a pitiful crush, one-sided in a way, but no, they felt the same. They beat rhythmically to the sound of each other's heartbeat. This was the moment, and she can't believe that it had to happen in December. Sorta perfect in a way.

She places both her hands on each side of his cheek, and then she went for it. Crashing her lip to his. The fireworks shoot up to the sky, igniting with colors, at least that's how she felt.


It's as if they were stuck in time and he can't tell whether he was in a dream sequence or was this all happening at the moment. Her soft and smooth lips were pressed against his. His heart beats inside his throat. If this was a dream he would not want to wake up, and he hopes no one will wake him. He doesn't mind being like this for a few more moments. It is nice, nicer than he could ever imagine. And, it was, indeed, magical. Powerful than he expected. He couldn't explain what's going inside him, his feelings had gone wild.

His eyes tightly shut, but he could smell her citrusy-smelling- hair, and her cherry scent perfume. She smells fantastic. Everything about her at this moment made Shayne smile, and even cry. He was happy, even more than any word can describe. It's a perfect Christmas.

They break away and Courtney starts to laugh, softly. Her hands were still on him, caressing his cheeks. She looks at him with awe, and she sighs in satisfaction.

"Merry Christmas, my little dummy."

And pulls him for a tight embrace. Even she thought this was dumb, but they also know how much they liked it. It was a more than enough Christmas gift for the both of them, who were now less lonely at the 25th. This, they can consider, one of their best Christmas yet.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Hello. It's Christmas, be Merry. Yeah. Merry Christmas! But seriously, though, a wonderful and fun Christmas to all of you. Hope you enjoyed this little one-shot that I have written for the holidays and I hope you are enjoying yourself right now. I hope y'all would stay safe always. May you have a good year and a good life. Thank you for all of your support and kind understanding, it is very much appreciated. I love you guys and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you.


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