Waterloo [Shourtney/Shartney]

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This is just another Twitch stream, Shayne. Shayne continues to tell himself again and again as he walks to the Smosh Games set, meeting up with a grinning Ian Hecox half way through.

"Take that stupid grin off of your face, mr. President," He tells Ian, sounding half annoyed

"Well, how could I do that, today's the day!" Ian cheerily replies

"What day?" Shayne asks, eyebrows furrowed, confused

"Time to execute plan Waterloo!" He replies

"Plan 'Waterloo'?" Shayne, still confuse, continues to ask

"Yeah, remember when we made a plan that on Courtney's birthday, we're gonna play a game, and you'll pretend to lose so she can win and you'll surprise her by telling her how much you love her," Ian says "surrender, y'know what I mean? Just the same as how Napoleon did,"

"No, I'm not losing for such bullcrap, Ian." Shayne, annoyed, snaps at Ian

"Here, let me give you this analogy," Ian starts "Lose the game, and win the girl you've been dreaming of, so what do you say?"

"Are you even sure that if I let my competitiveness down, I'll get the girl?" Shayne asks

"Yeah, she likes it whenever you let her win," Ian replies "and don't you worry 'bout a thing, she really likes you, like really, really."

"How are you even sure of it?" He is still not convinced

"Well, I have my ways of knowing, okay?" Ian starts to get annoyed with all the questioning "Just do it, Shayne, it's her birthday, it'll make her the happiest."

"I'll try my best." Shayne fakes a smile

They both step into the room, acting like they hadn't talked about the thing they talked about earlier. Shayne sat next to Courtney and Ian sat next to Shayne to keep an eye on him.

"Happy birthday, Court," Shayne says in a gentle voice

"Thanks, Shania," Courtney replies, placing a hand on Shayne's leg

"And I also want you to realize that this is your roaring twenties and in a couple of years from now, you'll be thirty," Shayne tries to subtly change the topic as he starts to feel awkward

"I know right, in just a couple of years, I'll be as old as you are now," She laughs, removing her hand from his leg

"Damn you, I'm not even that old," Shayne retorts

"I didn't say you're old, I'm just saying that you're already thirty, okay?" She rolls her eyes at him

"Yeah, right," He replies

The game starts. Shayne feels the pressure as Ian stares at his every move.


From the beginning to the end of the first round between the opposing sides of Shayne and Courtney, Shayne wasn't even trying to play the game, he barely presses his joystick and left the control on it's own as if it was on autopilot.

"Shayne are you really playing?" Courtney loses it and snaps at Shayne

"Yeah, of course I am!" Shayne pretends to be angry

"Well, it hell don't look like it to me." Courtney mutters "And, by the way, Shayne, I'm winning!"

Shayne conceals a satisfied smile.

Keep winning, please. He says in his inner dialogue. Shayne looks over to Ian who was smiling at him and putting his thumb up in approval.

"Yeah, I don't mind," Shayne mumbles

"Really?" Courtney heard what he said, clearly, with her sharp hearing "Is it because it's my birthday today?" She asks, trying not sound as if she were expecting him to say yes

"Yeah, maybe," He replies

"What-" Courtney get cuts off over the start of the second round

Again, Shayne plays dumb. Courtney is flustered, her little heart dances, thinking about how the very competitive Shayne Robert Topp letting her win because it's her birthday.

"Are you sure you want me to win, though?" She asks him for reassurance

"Yeah, yeah," He softly replies

She smiles down at her controller.

"It's no fun, Shayne's not being a good competitor." She jokes

"Oh, shut up, I know you like it." He rolls his eyes at her

"Yeah, I guess I do." Courtney replies, trying to be less defensive than usual

The game goes on for a couple of minutes before they paused and let the others play.

They sat far across from each other. All Courtney can do is smile at him, but she wants to talk to him, like they do in most stream, which lead to fans saying they have a world of their own. She wants to disassociate in his voice and laugh so hard on the jokes he make, not caring if the camera catches it, everything else fades away.


By break time, the both of them got out of the room to get some snacks.

"Hey, you!" She pokes his arm

"Hey you, too," He says

"I appreciate you being so considerate," She says

"It's nothing," He smiles "I'm just executing plan Waterloo-"

Plan Waterloo. Plan Waterloo. Where have she heard of that word? Oh, it must be in a history textbook somewhere, or probably from Ian.

"What's plan 'Waterloo'?" She asks him

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just my new catchphrase," She could see right into his lie, he was in a tense state

"Oh, dagnamit! Just spit it out, Shayne," she shakes her head disappointingly at him "I know you're lying."

"Okay, fine," he breathes out "it's a plan that Ian and I crafted when we were slightly drunk, a plan to make you happy on your special day,"

"And what's to lie about that?" She asks

"It's because part of the plan is not just to let you win, but when the games ends, I will have to surrender and..." He pauses

"And?" She gets impatient

"Surrender and tell you a thing, I know, you'd love to hear, and probably a thing I've been dying to tell you as well," He stops to look at her "I want to tell you that you won the love war and I love you, I give up, I can't pretend anymore, I can't pretend that I'm not in love with you."

"In that case, I surrender too," she starts "obviously, I love you too, had a hunch that you already knew." She softly chuckles "Stop being so awkward there and give me a hug!"

Shayne moves to pull her closer to his chest.

"But you still lost the game, you still lost against me, hun," she laughs

"That doesn't matter," he speaks as he lightly rests his head on her shoulder "because at the end of the game, I had won you over, you're the price to my bittersweet surrender."


Heyo! I had a chance to write a short oneshot, so I decided to grab it. I was listening to ABBA, one of my favorite artists, and I haven't heard the song "Waterloo" for a long time so went on and put it on repeat and thought "Hey, this could be a oneshot!" A month later, I finally did it. So, yeah, and btw, I know my fanfics are corny and cringey af, I'm sorry for that. I really appreciate you reading it, really, so thanks a bunch, and God bless!

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