Colours of Love

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This is the winning entry for our March prompt - Rang Barse - in our monthly contest series "Mohabbatein". Have a look at the entry that captured our attention the most!

Here's "Colours of Love" by  Secret__giggle_

The hues of orange and red scattered on ground was complementing the magnificent colours of sky. People were delighted, excited and drowning themselves in the abeers, bhaangs.

Children were running with fist full of colours trying to splash on each other, adults were busy in enjoying with fellow ones and old people eyeing the scene with awe. Everyone was happily celebrating Holi.

One among them was Shrivi. Hiding under the banyan tree, she was trying her best to stay away from judgemental eyes. She was restless, her gaze running around the surrounding only to halt on him. Her heart fluttered when she took in his attire only to clench painfully when she saw him smiling with another girl. The girl was not her, she was way more beautiful than Shrivi.

Shrivi had always been insecure. Of the dusky spread on her soft skin. She has tolerated the taunts of the society just because she has more melanin compared to them. Even after achieving success, with a well settled job, the sick narrow minded people hasn't stopped throwing insults and taunts on her skin colour.

There's a huge difference between Amaan and Shrivi. He is a charmer, perfect gentleman and blessed with absolutely handsome face. Why would he think of Shrivi when there are hundreds of girl beautiful than her? What's special in her?

Nothing. Pfft, life is so hard.

Tears gathered in her eyes. Coming here was a big mistake. She could have celebrated holi in her own house but no, her stupid heart was too sad to enjoy without seeing him. So, she happily came to her best friend's house. After all Amaan is her bff's brother.

Why one sided love is so hard?

Shrivi couldn't hold back her tears. It escaped the confines of her eyes and made it's way down her cheeks. She couldn't see him with any other girl. Her heart already has too much wounds and witnessing Amaan's interest in another girl would increase more. Not able to tolerate more, Shrivi started walking away from there.

"One of my friend asked me, 'why are you so white and clean on the occasion of holi Amaan?' Here's my answer:

कान्हा को सबसे पहले रंग लगाने का हक सिर्फ राधे को है।"

Shrivi stopped in her tracks. His answer irked her, a pang of jealousy hit her. She wanted to know about the special girl. Whom he loves so much. She curled her fingers in a fist, her heart pounding in her chest.

"But I think my Radha is upset or angry with me. Right Radha?"

Shrivi froze. She could feel the hot breath behind her, the familiar scent of cologne surrounding her. She could sense him. Calming her erratic heart, she slowly and steadily spun in her place. Her breath quickened as she saw Amaan in front of her, an unfamiliar expression on his face.

"Won't you?" He whispered, forwarding his hand towards her. It was full of red abeer. With shaky fingers she touched the abeer and then applied it on his left cheek.

"H-how?" She choked out.

Amaan's fingers got tangled in her silky hair, he gently tugged her face upward and in a blink he was close to her. Very close. Then she felt it. A rough subtle cheek rubbing against her own. Her lips parted, eyes closed on accord. Just like a dream. As if it was happening in alternate world, where Shrivi was able to feel him, touch him.

It's a dream right?

"You shouldn't have left your personal diary in my sister's room." Amaan's voice pulled her out of her reverie. Her eyes widened. She had written her each feeling in that diary. She thought that she had lost it somewhere in her house but she was wrong. Amaan had read the diary. About her one sided love, about her insecurities.

"Don't be." He shook his head and encircled his arms around her waist. "Don't be insecure of your skin tone Shrivi. You are beautiful just the way you are. Krishna was also insecure of his blue colour but Radha loved him despite it. So, why can't I love my Radha?"

Shrivi couldn't control the sob that left her mouth. She was pulled against his hard chest, his hand stroking her back to calm her down.

"I l-love you Amaan." She hiccuped against his chest, still doubting her fate.

"I love you too Shrivi." He smiled and pressed a lingering kiss on her forehead.

They both are like sea and the sky, worlds apart yet forming enchanting scene when brought together.


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