Memories Bring Back You

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This one is the winning entry for our October Prompt - The Triumph Of Ram - in our monthly contest series "Mohabbatein". Have a look at the entry that felt quite the perfect rendition of our prompt.

Here's "Memories Bring Back You" by sunshine_starshine

"What about this one, love?" Her mother said in a soft voice that for some reason had really started to grate on Aishana; she was suffering from memory loss, that's all. There was no reason to treat her as if she were made from finely spun glass.

Aishana sighed and took the offered photograph before her brows lowered in concentration. Happy faces grinned up at her from the glossy image. It looked as though they were on the beach; all sun-tanned and sea salt hair. The first person she noticed was herself - the Aishana that existed before the kidnapping that robbed her of her memories. Next, she realized she was looking at her brother called 'Ansh' - he didn't live with their parents anymore but he's been to visit, telling her tales of apparent mischief they'd gotten up to under their parent's noses. Aishana couldn't recall any.

The other person was Gauri - the scrappy little sister. People keep saying how Aishana and she have a unique relationship - at each others throats one minute and willing to go to war to defend each other the next.

She hates this - the pressure she can feel weighing down on her from watchful eyes, all waiting, hoping that a spark will be ignited and everything will fall into place. They'll get their Aishana back and not this imposter with no history. Everything that's handed to her, shown to her, mentioned to her, as a prompt to jump-start her memory feels like she's feeling it out with a blindfold over her eyes.

Huffing in frustration, Aishana's about to hand the photo back with a shake of her head, the words 'no, I don't remember that' on the very tip of her tongue, when she notices something in the background - or rather, someone - a boy who looks to be the same age as her older brother, with a head of dark curly hair. He's wearing a black t-shirt and sunglasses as he looks to be avoiding the camera and scratching awkwardly at his bearded jaw.

"Hmm?" Chitra says, leaning in and looking over Aishana's shoulders. "Oh, that's Devesh... Devesh Mathur....your... Ansh's best friend." Chitra said doubtfully and moved to take a better look at Aishana's expression, her eyes flitting between her daughter and the image. "Do you remember him darling?"

Devesh Mathur, Aishana thinks, Devesh , Devesh Mathur... "I... I think I do... does he... does he have a dog?"

"Yes!" Her mother gasped, this being the first memory Aishana had conjured herself since she awoke in that hospital bed three days ago, "a golden retriever called Rufus! Oh my darling girl!" She wrapped her arms around her daughter, pulling her close and kissing the crown of her head. "You remembered! You remembered!"

Aishana continued to stare at the boy in the background of the photo as she felt the slight stutter of breath in her mother's chest, biting back a sob.

"Can I see him?" Aishana asks into the floral scented cashmere sweater of Chitra.

"I'll call him!" Her mother sniffs, wiping away a happy tear, and reaching for her bag.

Aishana's still in a fog of images that she's not sure are even memories or just pure fabrication when she hears her mother's voice come closer.

"...she remembers you Devesh!... I know! I know!... talk to her, please... perhaps you'll help her...can you come soon."

After few minutes, Devesh enters her hospital room. Her breath hitches in her throat looking at him, niggling sensation at the back of her mind and she tentatively raises her hand. "Hello?"

"Hello... Aishana?"

A rush of... something... pours into her ear and swills around her brain. It's sweet and thick, smooth and honey-rich. His voice, she realises, I know his voice!

"I..." she stutters, the feeling of familiarity an alien one since she'd awoken with no memories, not even of her own family. "I know you," Aishana marvels, her voice a cracked whisper.

She can practically see the dazzling smile on his face. "You do."

"You are my husband?" The words are out before she can even think to retain them.

"The one and only."

"Can you come closer?"

"Of course! Are you alright?" he sounds excited and yet unsure and Aishana's at a loss as to why that might be. "Yes," she breathes down, "Can I get a hug please, Devesh?"

He pulled her ever so slightly into his body, careful not to hurt her, and gently placed his hand behind her neck. She felt the weight of his forehead against her own and for a moment they shared the same breath back and forth. When his lips finally bridged the distance between them, everything came rushing back to her like somebody had poured a bucket of ice cold water on her.

She closed her eyes and touching her stomach tells him "We are both fine. I couldn't let them harm our baby."

A few drops of tears lands on his cheek and cupping her face he murmurs in a small voice "I thought I lost you both. Those terrorist were out for life. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something happened to you because of me."

"You saved me, and I am not so weak darling, if my husband can serve the country as an agent then I can support him by being the strong wife. I know it must have been difficult for you to save your mission alongside your family, but you did it. I have never been more proud of you." she kissed his forehead and offered a small smile.

"In India, it's not important for the officers to be brave, but their wives that needs to be the real heroes." He told her more proudly sitting beside her and hugging his wife.

"To love someone deeply gives you Strength, Being loved by someone deeply gives you Courage." And Aishana and Devesh had found that Powerful Love. This was their real Triumph.


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