Dil Na Janeya

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This one is the winning entry for our June prompt - When Raj meets Simran - in our monthly contest series "Mohabbatein". Have a look at the entry we liked best.

Here's "Dil na janeya" by unfilteredshots

"Dad everything's packed. Yes, I am not forgetting anything. lets go, we are getting late."I yell from my bedroom.

" You need to come down for that, adhira"mom shouts back. I face palmed myself and run downstairs.

Summers are my favorite. I am fed up with college's assignments and presentations. Its been only a year, I don't know how I am going to survive another two. Anyways, it's... VACATION TIME. I am going to Bali for the first time ever. It's going to be so much fun.

Mom, dad, Bhai (brother) are standing at the end of the stairs, glaring at me.

I run past them. Bhai smacked my head once sitting inside the car and our bickering continues for the whole journey.


Bali is so beautiful. Even more in reality. The pictures didn't do justice to the beauty of this place.

We are on the cruise ship. Its complementary for the visitors. Mom and dad is with other oldies and Bhai is lost somewhere.

And here I am sitting alone, fascinating the stars from afar. They are twinkling brightest in the open vast sky today.

I stood up to stand near the railing at one of the farthest deserted corner.

My eyes caught sight of a shadowed figure already looming over there.

I walked near and captured the sight in front. Standing near him, I can see his side profile from the corner of my eyes.

Looking straight we admire the stars in silence. I feel as the Cold breeze touched our frame, leaving goosebumps all over my body. Swinging his already opened shirt, his toned chest peeking over for me to see.

The sound of the waves reaches my ear. I am sure he heard it too. Usually, I am not a shy person, but his proximity is doing something in my stomach.

In the inner turmoil. I heard a sensuous yet insistent voice.

"Aayansh"he says tilting his head towards me"Aayansh Madan",a small smile adorning his face.

"Adhira" I reply returning the smile.

"What does that mean?"he asked.

"Moon" I reply enthusiastically.

His smile widens saying"beautiful"

I blush like an idiot. The twinkling sky, his boyish charm, sea green eyes and sudden waves of cold breeze is doing it all in my heart to skip a beat.

Before I could say anything, mom calls me.i turn to leave but his voice catch my attention once again"Bye miss chand"his dimple popped in making his smile more alluring.

" Bye... Aayansh" I muttered softly and left without looking at him.

At the final turn, I turn to glance at him. My pulse rate heightens seeing him waving at me.


This is the best vacation ever. Maybe because I finally found someone for whom my heart starts palpitating.

We have spent a lot of time together. He stays the room next door. We met almost everywhere in sight seeing, dinners, parties and my favorite 'our' star gazing.

"Come back to earth."I jerked back to reality as Bhai shook me.

"What" I asked, irritated.

"I am going for surfing do you wanna join?"he asks hurriedly.

Without thinking I deny Scrunching my nose. I am much better sitting here in the lounge, dwelling about Mr. Stranger.

As soon as he left, someone occupy the vacant seat beside me.

He pushes forward a paper. I lift up my brow in question, opening it suspiciously.

"Up for a walk 🌛?"

"Sure! " I write back, earning his dimpled smile.

"Let's meet at 7 sharp at the seaside!" he writes back.

Smiling widely I gave him both thumbs up. He stood up to leave, but stopped midway "Don't be late, okay."

"I won't, " I reassure him with an encouraging smile.

My gaze went to the small box resting on the table, he must have left it.i opened it to saw a beautiful shell bracelet with crystal crescent moon laying there.

It looks so precious. There's a note too.

"A remembrance of Bali."

My lips stretched. This guy.... how can I not fall for him.

Everything seems like a fairytale. I finally met my raj. It feels like our stars were destined to meet. I came here to escape the reality instead found my paradise.

But... "It's just a summer fling, isn't it?" My subconscious reminds. I ponder over the fact as realization dawned upon me, eventually...this will fade away.

I put a palm on my heart, feeling the restlessness just by the thought of it. Just then I realize today is the last day here.

And I don't even know if he reciprocates my feelings Or not.

If this is the end of our tiny relationship then let me savor the memories and cherish them all through my life.

After all, first love left it's essence buried deep inside our conscience.

I can live with his utopia rather than his rejection.

I went to mom and ask if we could leave today as I am not feeling well.

It's 7 pm already, the time we were suppose to meet. For the last time I wanted to see him just for once.

We are leaving from the seaside. I turn my face to the other side my insides twitch seeing him waiting for me.

My heart longs to go there and hug him. But... summer ends here, along with my first love too.

My wet eyes met with his as I leave with my family.


Back to college assignments, lectures and presentations. I signed caressing his remembrance.

I wonder what would have happened if we had met, would things be different.

There's no point in regretting now.

My eyes popped open as the sensuous yet insistent voice reached my ears.

Everyone turn their attention towards the guy standing at the gate.

"May I come in ma'am?"

Trisha ma'am smiles at him as she declares "class meet aayansh madan. He is your new classmate."

My heart palpitates as she Lends another bomb on me.

" Take your seat aayansh." She says.

His gaze held mine.coming forward, he sat beside me. And the lecture continues.

"You forgot something there." He hushed mysteriously staring down at me.

"What? "I whispered.

"Me" My breath hitch by his confession.


And just like that He became the destination of my journey and I plan on travelling it again and again.

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