Chapter 7

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It's pretty late after the party ends. The Prince never really specified a time for us to meet but I would think he'd want to meet sometime soon after the party. Nonetheless, I'm not gonna show up to the Gardens covered in clunky and loud armor, we'd be caught fast. I'm sure I'm not supposed to interact with him much. If I'm caught I have no idea what the King much less my Prince would do to me. 

I sigh as I hastily get ready in our small but still spacious room. Shiro helps where he can but overall just annoys me with his pointless teasing. I opt for a loose button-down white blouse that I found along with some worn dark trousers. I silently hope I'm not that suspicious.

"Keith's gonna get with a Prince!" Shiro sings from his bed as I tie my hair back with my red ribbon.

"In my dreams," I groan, pulling the ribbon into a tight bow.

I hear him spring up, "You admit it?!"

"Admit what?" I toss back over my clothed shoulder.

"You want to.. y'know with the Prince!" He makes a crude hand jester which I fake gag to. But then I pause, hands falling to my hips. Do I want to do that with the Prince? Was that really my intention? More importantly, does the Prince want to do that with me? I shake my head, pushing aside the thought. Shiro notices my reaction and gasps, "You're thinking about it?!"

I grimace and hold a hand out to stop him, "No, I am not."

"Then what's with the longing stare?"

"It's nothing of your concern," I huff and tug on my boots, "I'll be back within the hour, hopefully."

"Oh don't rush yourself or the Prince." Shiro wiggles his brows.

"Please," I groan, standing, "Get your mind out of the gutter."


It took me longer than it should have to find the gardens. I would've just asked but that's too suspicious so I took my chances with wandering until I found it. The night air is crisp and a bit chilly against my exposed neck. Perks of that loud armor are that I can't really get cold, but now I'm out in practically nothing, looking as suspicious as an outsider can. 

I slowly make my way through the Gardens, the sweet smell of flowers lingering in the air. The only real light I have besides the moon is the small blue lights tucked up against the bushes of flowers and various other plants. They don't do much besides light the paths of smooth white concrete. I tread carefully, checking almost every corner as I walk, wary of the potential guard that could be lurking. Finally, I spot him. The Prince is sprawled out on a grey concrete bench, the legs having some intricate design I can't quite make out in this lighting. I scan our surroundings once more and approach him. The Royal decided to lay down on the bench, head cradled with one arm whilst the other in lazily resting on his thinly clothed chest. One of his legs is bent at the knee, his foot resting on the concrete, the other lying flat on the bench as well.

I clear my throat as I approach, not wanting to startle him too much, "Don't you seem comfortable?"

He jumps a bit and sits up, "Oh this bench is lovely!" He swings his legs over the edge and stretches his arms, "The concrete is nice and cold."

"I bet," I smile lightly, trying to seem friendly. I clasp my hands together in front of me, not sure where to rest them honestly, "So, you wanted to meet me? Why?"

He ponders on a thought for a moment then shrugs, his light blue blouse shifting, exposing his tanned collarbone slightly, "I don't know. Just wanted company and you seemed to be a good fit." He pats the space on the bench next to him. With a warm smile, he gestures for me to sit, "Come, sit."

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