Chapter 9

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War Negotiations over dinner really does ruin the flavour of the food. My father and my soon-to-be husband talk amongst themselves whilst Allura and I chatter about the gossip and drama of nobles and royals. The occasional mention of staff sends my gaze across the room to the guards. He's there of course; the guard I fancy. We make eye contact every time with soft knowing looks that we'll be the talk of the town if we were happened to be found out. It's not like we're in any sort of romantic or sexual relationship. We're just simply filling each other's empty time. 

Allura is tired of my inattentive state. With every glance, she grows more anxious and impatient. Finally, I feel her warm touch on the side of my face, guiding my gaze back to her. She gives me a stern, knowing look before continuing with her speech about one of the noblemen's promiscuous daughters. 

I'm so very not interested in this tasteless gossip. Between bites, she continues her stories as I look back to Keith. Our eyes meet and I offer him a small smile before subtly waving a hand, sparkling and excited energy leave my fingertips with a dull turquoise-blue glow. 

"Lance!" Allura almost shouts. She grabs my hand and covers it with a cloth napkin before lowering her voice with all eyes on us, "You know the rules."

"Allura," Father says her name sweetly yet continues with saying mine harshly, "Lance, what is the meaning of this outburst?"

Allura and I exchange a worried look before she takes the lead, a simple, sweet, lie, to cover my behind escapes her dark pink lips, "I'm sorry for speaking out of turn Father, but Lance hurt himself, and I voiced my worry."

Her grip tightens on my clothed hand as Father settles a bitter gaze upon me. He waves his hand with a lighter look when he notices Prince Lotor narrowing his eyes, "Go clean yourself up in the infirmary and hurry back."

I stand and cover my clothed hand with the other, "Yes, Father."

I give him a small, forced bow before turning for the door. He stops me though, "Take one of the guards with you." I smile and motion for my newly found friend to join me and he does. He takes my right side as Father speaks to him, "Make sure he gets back in a timely manor."

"Yes sir."

With that, we slip through the doors and begin to walk towards the infirmary. Keith has questions for me though, which is understandable seeing as I just did something extremely illegal and would be punished if Father found out. Keith takes my hand and unwraps it, inspecting the cloth and my carefully, before questioning me further than Father did.

"What was that just now?" He asks, letting my hand go but keeping the cloth.

I give him a coy smile, "Something that stays between us."

"Are you a..." He trails off with a head motion and a knowing gaze.

I nod, "My mother was as well and so is Allura, but my father... I think he placed the ban because he's jealous of our powers."

"I'd be jealous to if I could do this," He shifts into his full galran form, growing a few inches in height before shifting back to his normal 'human' looking self.

I playfully bump him as we walk, "Cool party trick, kitty."

"Hey!" He bumps me back.

We chatter and banter between ourselves as we walk further through the castle. Soon we're greeted by the cool glow of the medical wing and my gaze wanders around the room, looking desperately for Colleen. She'll wrap my hand and act as if I was actually hurt. She'd understand my situation. She always does. 

Keith nudges me slightly, "So, are you just going to have that wrapped to sell the story?"

"Of course," I smile back. I look around once more and spot her coming out of a patients room. Flagging her down I wave my hand, "Colleen!"

She looks up to me and smiles, "Prince Lance! What brings you here?" She walks over to us, her smile turning into worry, "You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

"No! No!" I smile playfully, "I just came down to visit! Oh, but I did do something that I need to speak to you in private about."

"How urgent is the issue?"

"Like my Father is going to behead me and my guard if we don't come back soon."

"Oh! Well, follow me!" She leads us into a small room and shuts the door. Turning her attention to me once more she raises a cautious brow, "Now what seems to be the issue."

"I may or may not have used magic in front of my Father and played it off as another injury."

She sighs heavily, "Lance, you need to stop doing that, sweetie."

She opens a drawer in a nearby counter and pulls out the medical wrap tape. I gladly give her the hand I used as she begins wrapping.

"I know, but this time was a complete accident. I was excited and it kind of just slipped out of my fingertips. Allura caught it before anyone else and wrapped my hand with a cloth before explaining to Father that I simply just had another misfortune." 

She shakes her head lightly, finishing the wrap, "And where is this cloth?" Keith hands it over to her and she looks frightened, "You did this in front of him?"

"He'll stay quiet, promise."

She sends Keith a untrusting glare before looking back to me, worried as all hell, "And what if he doesn't? Lance, you know as well as I that your Father-"

"Colleen," I stop her, raising my hand, "It will be fine. Keith isn't dumb," I look at him softly, a little too soft, "He'll stay quiet."

Colleen looks between us, clearly catching on and getting the idea that we're friends (or at least that's what I think she thinks we are) then smiles, "Alright, well, hurry back, please. For your sake and his."

"We will," I reach for the door, "And thanks again."

"You're welcome, your highness."

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